
Raytracer on MoonZoon

MIT License


Raytracer on MoonZoon

Raytracer is implemented according to the tutorial Ray Tracing in One Weekend. It's a bit slow and single-threaded, but useful for learning.

MoonZoon is a Rust Fullstack Framework. It renders the HTML canvas and provides a server with auto-reloading for fast dev iteration loop.

How to start it

  1. Check you've installed Rust and wasm-pack:

    rustc -V # rustc 1.52.1 (9bc8c42bb 2021-05-09)
    wasm-pack -V # wasm-pack 0.9.1
    • Note: wasm-pack will be installed automatically in the future.
  2. Install mzoon to cargo_install_root:

    cargo install mzoon --git https://github.com/MoonZoon/MoonZoon --rev a6f5070 --root cargo_install_root --locked
    • Note: cargo install mzoon will be enough in the future. And there will be a faster way with pre-compiled binaries.
  3. Build and run:

    cargo_install_root/bin/mzoon start
    • Note: The app is much faster when built in the release mode (-r).

Problems in the tutorial

  1. Rotated image in some tutorial steps. Replace

    for j in 0..IMAGE_HEIGHT {
        eprintln!("Scanlines remaining: {}", IMAGE_HEIGHT - j - 1);


    for j in (0..IMAGE_HEIGHT).rev() {
        eprintln!("Scanlines remaining: {}", j + 1);
  2. Missing Vec3 impl:

    impl Mul<Vec3> for Vec3 {
        type Output = Vec3;
        fn mul(self, other: Vec3) -> Vec3 {
            Vec3 {
                e: [self[0] * other[0], self[1] * other[1], self[2] * other[2]]
  3. r0 * (1.0 - r0) corrected to r0 + (1.0 - r0):

    fn reflectance(cosine: f64, ref_idx: f64) -> f64 {
        // Use Schlick's approximation for reflectance
        let r0 = ((1.0 - ref_idx) / (1.0 + ref_idx)).powi(2);
        r0 + (1.0 - r0) * (1.0 - cosine).powi(5)
  4. Change the value in const MAX_DEPTH: u64 = 5; to 50. (This and the previous correction fix black bubbles).

  5. There are some other problems in the tutorial but all of them should be easily fixed by the Rust compiler suggestions.


  • The random_scene function has been moved to scene.rs and renamed to scene.

  • The ray_color function has been moved to ray.rs as Ray::color.

  • main.rs rewritten to lib.rs.

  • There is an alternative raytracer described in the wasm-bindgen docs. I assume the raytracer is based on this tutorial: Writing a Raytracer in Rust.