
🧑‍🔬 Operating system

GPL-3.0 License


The redshirt operating system is an experiment to build some kind of operating-system-like environment where executables are all in Wasm and are loaded from an IPFS-like decentralized network.

See the docs/ file for an introduction.

How to test

Important: At the moment, most of the compilation requires a nightly version of Rust. See also Your C compiler must be recent enough to be capable of compiling to WebAssembly. This is for example the case for clang 9. See also

You also need to install the wasm32-wasi target, as the Wasm programs are compiled for Wasi, and the rust-src component in order to build the standalone kernel.

rustup toolchain install --target=wasm32-wasi nightly
rustup component add --toolchain=nightly rust-src

Building the freestanding kernel is then done through the utility called standalone-builder:

cd kernel-standalone-builder
cargo +nightly run -- emulator-run --emulator qemu --target x86_64-multiboot2

Repository structure

Short overview of the structure of the repository:

  • docs contains a description of what redshirt is and how it works. Start with docs/
  • interfaces contains crates that provide definitions and helpers for Wasm programs to use
    (examples: tcp for TCP/IP, window for windowing).
  • kernel contains the code required to run the kernel.
  • kernel-standalone-kernel contains a utility allowing to run and test the standalone kernel.
  • programs contains Wasm programs.


Please note that so far this is mostly a personal project. I reserve the right to change anything at any time, including the license.