
GTK+ bindings and wrappers for Rust (DEPRECATED SEE https://github.com/rust-gnome )

LGPL-3.0 License


THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED SEE: https://github.com/rust-gnome
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Rust bindings and wrappers for GLib, GDK 3, GTK+ 3 and Cairo.


rgtk expects GTK+, GLib and Cairo development files to be installed on your system. Optionally, it is recommended to install the debug packages containing helpful debug symbols.

Debian and Ubuntu

> sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
> sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0-dbg libglib2.0-0-dbg libcairo2-dbg


> sudo yum install gtk3-devel glib2-devel


Install XQuartz, then:

> brew install gtk+3 --without-x11
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig


Install mingw-w64 (select the win32 threading model) and download a GTK+ SDK:

Make sure both mingw's and the sdk's bin directories are in your PATH e.g. (assuming mingw is installed in C:\mingw-w64 and the SDK unpacked into C:\gtk)

C:\> set PATH="C:\mingw-w64\bin;C:\gtk\bin;%PATH%"

It's crucial that GCC from mingw is used by Rust so either make sure that mingw is earlier in the PATH or delete gcc.exe and ld.exe from the Rust installation.

Versions and features

rgtk targets GTK+ 3.6 and Cairo 1.10 by default, other versions support is enabled by requesting a corresponding feature e.g.

> cargo build --features "GTK_3_10 CAIRO_1_12"

Currently supported versions are GTK+ 3.4 to 3.14 and Cairo 1.10 to 1.12.

We are currently targetting rust master compiler to build rgtk, make sure you have the latest version before submitting any bugs.

In examples you can find some tests showing off the functionality, these can be built and run as follows:

> cd examples
> cargo build --release
# Or, if your system has GTK 3.10 or later
> cargo build --features GTK_3_10 --release
> ./target/release/gtktest
> ./target/release/cairotest

When building documentation don't forget to specify the feature set you're using:

> cargo doc --feature GTK_3_12

Your local copy can be accessed using your browser at


You can also access a daily build of the docs via the internet:


Including rgtk as a cargo dependency

To include rgtk as a cargo dependency you have to add it to your Cargo.toml and specify the GTK version you want using Cargo features

git = "https://github.com/jeremyletang/rgtk.git"
features = ["GTK_3_12"]

Use rgtk

To implement GTK+ inheritance in rust, we implemented gtk superclasses as traits located in rgtk::gtk::traits::*. The various widgets implement these traits and live in rgtk::gtk::*.

For your convenience the various traits are reexported in the rgtk::* namespace as Gtk{trait_name}Trait so you can just use...

extern mod rgtk;
use rgtk::*;

...to easily access all the gtk widgets and all traits methods:

let button = gtk::Button:new(); // You have access to the struct methods of gtk::Button aswell
                                // as the trait methods from gtk::traits::Button as GtkButtonTrait.

Projects using rgtk

If you want yours to be added to this list, please create a Pull Request for it!


Contributor you're welcome!

You probably know but Gtk+ uses its own GObject system: inherited class and interface.

To respect this design, I follow a special design on rgtk:

  • Interface -> Implement them on a trait with only default methods.
  • Class -> Implement the construct on the class impl and other methods on a traits.
  • Sub-class -> Implement all the methods on the class.

Example for GtkOrientable, GtkBox, GtkButtonBox:

GtkOrientable is an interface with all methods implemented as default method of the trait gtk::traits::Orientable.

GtkBox is a class with constructors implemented on the struct gtk::Box, and the other method as default methods of the trait gtk::traits::Box. So gtk::Box implements gtk::traits::Orientable and gtk::traits::Box.

GtkButtonBox is a sub-class of GtkBox, the struct gtk::ButtonBox implements all the methods of GtkButtonBox and the traits gtk::traits::Orientable and gtk::traits::Box.

Finally, all the gtk widgets implement the trait gtk::traits::Widget.


rgtk is available under the same license term as GTK+: the LGPL (Lesser General Public license).