
Template application for rocket

MIT License


Rocket Notes

This small project demonstrates how to use the Rocket framework (Version 0.5) to built a rest-api. Thematically this project implements a simple api to store a retrieve text notes.

To get information about the available endpoints, check out the OpenApiSpec.yaml.

Endpoints permissions

This project uses BasicAuth to authorize access to some endpoints. Since this is only for demonstration purposes the required access data is currently hardcoded.

BasicAuth data:

Username: username Password: password

Executing tests

When running the tests with cargo make sure to only use a single thread because all tests use the same database which nees to be in specific states for tests to succed. Using a single thread can be done with the --test-thread argument.

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

Build docker container

# The following command can be used to build the docker image
docker build . -t rocket_notes_img

# After building the image the following command can be used to run the image
docker run -dit --name rocket_notes -p 80:80 rocket_notes_img


  • Move database into a volumne in docker
  • Add database migration example