
RPG dice roller with both Rust CLI and ClojureScript Web interfaces

MIT License



Web and CLI interface to roll dice.


  • yarn dev and point browser to localhost:3449 for figwheel and watching the Rust backend. If you don't issue :cljs/quit at the REPL or you'll have to kill figwheel some other way.
  • yarn prod and point browser to localhost:8080 for the production build.
  • yarn demo for a dev server with no hot-reloading - point your browser to localhost:8080.

For EMACS/CIDER, run yarn emacs and then from Emacs invoke M-x cider-jack-in-clojurescript. You'll need to invoke (start-figwheel!). Further instructions can be found here.

The backend component also has two other CLI modes:

  • Invoke with repl as the first arg for a REPL which will evaluate commands in sequence separated by spaces and prompt for further input until a SIGINT.
  • Invoke with your command as space-separated arguments to run a single operation.

You can run the webserver directly via roll (cargo run) or roll serve (cargo run -- serve).

Command formats:

  • A list of valid rolls in XdX format, separated by spaces - 1d2 2d4 3d8
  • A list of string identifier to lookup in the item table - blello, blello, ian
  • A multiplier followed by either a list of valid rolls or a string identifier - 3 1d7, 3 1d8 2d9, 3 blello, 3 blello ian

The multiplier is a little buggy on the web side - it only rolls out the first trailing arg. Stay tuned.

Web server endpoints:

  • GET /roll/:cmd where :cmd is any of the above, but separated by slashes instead of spaces: /roll/1d6, /roll/2d8/3d9, /roll/3/10d20, /roll/9/blello/ian
  • GET /items returns all the items stored in db.sqlite
  • POST /item with an application/json request body like '{"name": "blaster","damage": "1d8"}' to insert that item into the DB


  • Stable rust 1.25.0+
  • Java JRE 1.8+
  • yarn
  • lein
  • cargo-watch


Rust Crates

ClojureScript Libraries

Extracted from project README
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