
phonons in rust

APACHE-2.0 License



Research code for computing phonons of certain materials.

Contains a small ecosystem of utility crates for working with crystal structures.

External dependencies

rsp2 has the following (non-exhaustive) list of dependencies:

python3 >= 3.7.0 (see below about packages)
rust >= 1.35.0
libllvm and libclang
blas and lapacke
mpi (optional; see below)
cmake (if a system version of lammps is not available)

It also has a large number of rust dependencies, but these are automatically managed by cargo.


Python dependencies and modules are most easily installed by using conda to create a virtual environment from the provided environment.yml file:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate rsp2

If you do not want to use conda, you may alternatively do the following: (mind, some required versions of dependencies may be oooold so it is best to do this on an isolated python environment! e.g. a virtualenv)

# for modules required by rust code
python3 -m pip install -e src/python

# for the unfold script, do this as well
python3 -m pip install -e ./scripts

Optional features


MPI support is enabled by default, but you can build without MPI by supplying the --no-default-features flag to cargo.

The MPI implementation must implement version 3.0 of the interface. (e.g. OpenMPI 3.x). Furthermore, due to problems upstream, openMPI 4.x is not currently supported. The following versions ought to work:

  • OpenMPI 3.0.4, 3.1.4 (not 4.x)
  • MPICH 3.3, 3.2.1

MPI support is only utilized by LAMMPS potentials. The potentials implemented in Rust use rayon to perform work-stealing parallelism on a single machine, and the potentials in DFTB+ use OpenMP.


LAMMPS is used to provide the following potentials:

  • REBO + kolmogorov/crespi/full (with nonlocal normals; rsp2 uses local normals)
  • Versions of rsp2's built-in potentials that lack support for lattice parameter optimization, but which fully model the bondorder factors in REBO.

rsp2 currently automatically builds an old version of LAMMPS. At the time of writing, this version is known to be incorrect for pure (non-AIREBO) REBO on some H−C bonds.

If you want to build and install your own version of LAMMPS, see this page. To be able to use it in rsp2, please enable the following flags in the cmake command:


pkg-config must be able to locate the library, or rsp2 will not use it. Verify:

$ pkg-config --libs --cflags liblammps


dftb+ is optional, and it is not required by default. To enable it, supply --features=dftbplus-support to cargo commands.

All DFTB+ potentials are available.

You must manually install DFTB+. See this page for details.


cargo run --release --bin=rsp2 -- --help and good luck

Because there is currently one or maybe two people who need to use the code (and this count includes the author!), the CLI binaries have no stable interface. CLI arguments in particular may undergo major revisions on a complete whim. Input and output file formats are a bit more stable as of late as the author has needed to work with some fairly old files, but there are no guarantees.

One or more config files is required (supplied with the -c flag). It will be easiest to start with an existing config file from a previous run (ask me for one, or piece one together from the pieces in tests/). There is, at present, no documentation of the config file that is written for end-users. In order to work with the config file:

  • The file format is YAML.
    • All mappings use kebab-case strings as keys.
    • There are a couple of small extensions to the format, described in the text given by --help for the -c flag.
  • Documentation for the fields is provided in the source code.
    • Start at struct Settings and read the doc comments.
    • The config file itself is declaratively defined using the serde rust crate, so learning a bit about types in rust and how serde encodes them will be useful.

Thankfully, changes to the config file now at least generally attempt to preserve backwards compatibility. Generally speaking, old config files will continue to work and will cause rsp2 to behave the same way as it did originally. If a config item is renamed or relocated, you will see deprecation warnings telling you what you should write instead. (also, one of the output files from rsp2 is a normalized settings.yaml file).


You can't use mpirun through cargo, so you need to run the built binary directly from the target directory.

cargo build --release --bin=rsp2
cargo run --release --bin=rsp2-library-paths >release.path
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(cat release.path):${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} mpirun target/release/rsp2 ARGS GO HERE

Band unfolding script

The unfolding script used to analyze the output of rsp2 on layered 2D materials is also included in this repository.

See this page for details.


rsp2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Many portions of rsp2 are licensed under more permissive terms (usually dual-licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0). Generally speaking, those portions which are GPL licensed are the interface to LAMMPS, and anything that uses it (transitively; hence, much of the high-level orchestration code, and the rsp2 project as a whole).

When in doubt, consult the Cargo.toml files of individual subcrates.