
MCTS algorithms implemented in Rust

MIT License


RGGPF: Rust General Game Playing Framework

This is a project for the IASD course on Monte-Carlo Search of M. Cazenave ( It introduces a general framework for game playing and agent policies for these games. Several games and policies have been implemented.

API documentation is available here.


This project uses rust (nightly channel) and python with tensorflow.

  • Install rustup and launch rustup default nightly to enable the nightly compiler.
  • Install tensorflow to enable PUCT/AlphaZero/MuZero policies.
  • More generally, use pip install -r requirements.txt to install python dependencies (tensorflow is excluded from the list as either tensorflow or tensorflow-gpu works).


Cargo is the Rust project manager. Use cargo run --release --bin <binary> to execute binaries. Available binaries are:

  • evaluate: evaluate two policies on breakthrough
  • ui: interactive interface to inspect alphazero
  • generate: self-play game generators
  • gym_server: decoupled game executor for openai gym
  • perf: benchmarking tests

Configuration files

evaluate, generate and ui all use a configuration file located in the config/ path. It is selected by the --config option.


To perform training, you need to launch both python and rust binaries:

  • python --config breakthrough --method <alpha|mu> to execute the training loop and generate the network model.
  • cargo run --release --bin generate -- -c breakthrough -m <alpha|mu> to launch the self-play generator.

There shouldn't be any errors and the number of generated games should increase. Debugging information can be activated using export RUST_DEBUG=info. Models are saved in data/<name>/model. Tensorboard logs are saved in data/<name>/logs and training data is saved in data/<name>/training_data.


Two policies can be tested using evaluate:

cargo run --release --bin evaluate -- -c breakthrough --policy <policy> --against <policy>


To launch the UI and visualize Alpha/Mu tree search live, use ui:

cargo run --release --bin ui -- -c breakthrough --method <alpha|mu>

(to avoid tensorflow logs, use export TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2)



  • Breakthrough
  • Misère Breakthrough


  • Hashcode 2020
  • Weak schur number
  • OpenAI Gym


  • Random
  • Flat UCB (Upper Confidence Bound)
  • UCT (Upper Confidence Tree)
  • RAVE (Rapid Action Value Estimation)
  • NMCS (Nested Monte Carlo Search)
  • NRPA (Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation)
  • PPA (Playout Policy Adaptation)
  • PUCT (AlphaZero MCTS)
  • MUZ (MuZero MCTS)


It's possible to reproduce Deepmind's AlphaZero results on toy games.


I haven't been able to have satisfactory results on MuZero, even on toy games, but the implementation is here.