
5 small projects to understand Rust core concepts.


Rust Projects

5 small projects to understand Rust core concepts.

# Project Description
01 Hello Cargo A quick intro to Rust syntax.
02 Guessing Game A hands-on introduction to the Rust language.
03 Minigrep A simple version of the classic command line tool grep.
04 Hello A multithreaded web server that says hello.
05 Game of Life A zero-player game to learn how to use Rust, WebAssembly, and JavaScript together.

1) Hello Cargo

A quick intro to Rust syntax.

See 01-hello-cargo folder


  • installing Rustup, Rust for Visual Studio Code and Even Better TOML.
  • setting up a project with Cargo.
  • printing and formatting strings.
  • handling variables.
  • discovering primitive types.
  • playing with strings, tuples, arrays and vectors.
  • rendering conditionals.
  • using loops, functions and pointer references.
  • creating custom data types with structs.
  • defining enums.
  • grabbing args from CLI.

Based on Rust Crash Course by Brad Traversy (2019).

2) Guessing Game

A hands-on introduction to the Rust language.

See 02-guessing-game folder


  • handling user input with the io library.
  • adding rand from as a dependency.
  • generating a secret number.
  • comparing the guess to the secret number.
  • allowing multiple guesses with looping.
  • quitting after a correct guess.
  • handling invalid input.

Based on The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols (2021).

3) Minigrep

A simple version of the classic command line tool grep.

See 03-minigrep folder


  • accepting command line arguments.
  • reading a file.
  • refactoring to improve modularity and error handling.
  • developing the librarys functionality with Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  • working with environment variables.
  • writing error messages to standard error instead of standard output.
  • using closures and iterators.

Based on The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols (2021).

4) Hello

A multithreaded web server that says hello.

See 04-hello folder


  • listening to the TCP connection and reading the request.
  • writing a response and returning HTML.
  • validating the request and selectively responding.
  • simulating a slow request.
  • improving throughput with a thread pool.
  • handling graceful shutdown.

Based on The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols (2021).

5) Game of Life

A zero-player game to learn how to use Rust, WebAssembly, and JavaScript together.

See 05-game-of-life folder


  • cloning the project template and understanding the folder structure.
  • building the project with wasm-pack.
  • putting it into a web page with wasm-app.
  • serving locally with webpack.
  • implementing the Game of Life with Rust.
  • rendering to canvas directly from memory with JavaScript.
  • testing the tick function and debugging.
  • pausing and resuming the game.
  • toggling a cell's state on click.
  • optimizing performances with time profiling and benchmarking.
  • shrinking .wasm size with wasm-opt and gzip.

Based on The Rust and WebAssembly Book by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group (2021).