
Rust Roguelike Tutorial + Legion ECS + RON prefabs

MIT License


Rust Roguelike Tutorial

This is a Roguelike Tutorial - in Rust implemented using Legion ECS (instead of Specs) and RON based prefabs (instead of JSON).

Still work in progress - as I progress through the tutorial.


Commits in this repository follow the naming of Herbert's tutorial chapters and subchapters. If you would like to follow the tutorial, just checkout the commit corresponding to the chapter you are reading.


Unfortunately, it requires master branch of Legion, so you will need to checkout legion submodule.

Either clone all together:

git clone --recursive

or after normal clone do:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Building for Web

cargo +nightly -Z features=itarget build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-bindgen target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rust_roguelike_tutorial.wasm --out-dir web --no-modules --no-typescript

serve web/