
Prototype for having easy routing to use in Seed

MIT License


Seed Routing

A proposal for advanced routing in Seed equivalent to what we have in Angular/React/Vue.


Quickest way to use it

1 - Add seed_routing to your project in Cargo.toml:

seed_routing = { git="" ,branch ="main" }

2 - Implement the router in

In your you need this code :

  • with init :


// ------ ------
//     Init
// ------ ------

fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {


    Model {
        // Your Model

  • with update :

fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
    match msg {
        Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(_url)) => {
            router().current_route().init(model, orders);
        // rest of the match arms.
  • with view :

fn view(model: &Model) -> impl IntoNodes<Msg> {

There is nothing more to write for the router to do its job.

3 - Write your Routes enum starting in :

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, RoutingModules)]
pub enum Routes {
    Login {
        query: IndexMap<String, String>, // -> http://localhost:8000/login?name=JohnDoe
    #[guard = " => guard => forbidden"]
    Dashboard(pages::dashboard::Routes), // -> http://localhost:8000/dashboard/*
    #[guard = "logged_user => admin_guard => forbidden_user"]
    Admin {
        // -> /admin/:id/*
        id: String,
        children: pages::admin::Routes,
    #[view = " => not_found"]            // -> http://localhost:8000/not_found*
    #[view = " => forbidden"]            // -> http://localhost:8000/forbidden*
    #[as_path = ""]
    #[view = " => home"]                 // -> http://localhost:8000/

4 - Use the alpha cli for generating files & code from Routes enum :

cargo install proto_seeder

In the route of your project :

proto_seeder ./src/

This will generate from Routes for you the following :

  • local views.
  • guards.
  • sub modules with their content.
  • init with payload.
  • empty Model.
  • empty Message.
  • update.
  • view.

Here is the experimental cli repo :

It is still very alpha and it needs more inputs & feedbacks to get better !

5 - You can write a new Routes enum in a submodule and rerun the command from proto_seeder.

proto_seeder ./src/

It will generate the submodules/codes for it as well.

Enjoy the saving time !


Here are the rules I try to respect

  • Respect for TEA = One single path of truth.
  • Minimize the boilerplate and the risks of bugs.
  • Easy API so we can follow the flow of an app.
  • Making routing in TEA should be as easy as in popular frameworks.


My idea and motivation come mainly from the fact that I had a very bad experience with large App in Elm.

I got pain there with :

  • Routing was absent.
  • Single path of truth is hard to see.
  • How to add and load components was not framed.
  • Need to update 5 or 6 files code in order to just add a tiny component.
  • Could not see guards and protected routes that require user permission or authentication.

I also got a lot of happiness doing routing in Angular

  • Routes are easy to write with the path, guard and component or module to load.
  • Sub routes are easy since you add them to sub modules and they are added automatically later on.
  • Lazy loading is easy.
  • Guarding routes is easy.
  • You can pass data to routes.
  • The router is easy to use via dependency injection at runtime.
  • RouterLink is OP in html template.
<a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" [queryParams]="{debug: true}" queryParamsHandling="merge">
  link to user component
  • Management state from the router is possible with Ngrx.
  • Little code in html.
  • Routing is framed as a standard in Angular so you know where to find consistent information to make good routing.

The discussion regarding routing in seed is there


This repos actually contains 2 distinct but linked concepts :

  • A router for :

    • Managing history.
    • Go back.
    • Go forward .
    • Use default route.
    • Standard navigation.
    • You know if you can go back of forward and display it on UI easy.
  • Derive macro for generating Url and call to init & view with guard functions

    • With ParseUrl , you can easily convert URL for all your enums and vis versa.
    • With RoutingModules, you will get :
      • Nested route / children routes.
      • Id parameter / dynamic urls.
      • Search query / query parameters.
      • Guard with protected routes :
        • Inject the model you need.
        • Give you a view to display when access is deny.
        • Will display the right view in the router.view().
      • init function calls & match automatically ( not protected but we could to it => Todo) :
        • Has access to URL payload ( query, id & children) .
        • Let you init your model from the previous state.
        • Let you init your model based on Url payload ( Awesome :D ).
      • view function calls & Match.
        • Has access to children & nested .
        • Is accessible only if condition are true from the guard.

Example code with ParseUrl

Derive an enum to enable conversion from and to url. You can change the value of a path for a given route this way.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, ParseUrl)]
pub enum DashboardAdminRoutes {
    // "/my_stuff"
    #[as_path = "my_stuff"]

    // ""
    #[as_path = ""]

fn test_url() {
    let mut query_search: IndexMap<String, String> = IndexMap::new();

    query_search.insert("user".to_string(), "arn".to_string());
    query_search.insert("role".to_string(), "baby_programmer".to_string());
    query_search.insert("location".to_string(), "norway".to_string());
    let url = ExampleRoutes::Admin {
        query: query_search.clone(),
    let url_to_compare: Url = "/admin?user=arn&role=baby_programmer&location=norway"
    assert_eq!(url, url_to_compare);

Example code with DefaultRoute

Define a routing config with a default_route for your navigation. The default route used by the router when it cannot find the right url.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, DefaultRoute)]
pub enum DashboardAdminRoutes {
    // An invalid route, such as /blablablabla, re-routes to /not_found

Example code with RoutingModules

RoutingModule contains DefaultRoute and ParseUrl as well.

use seed::{prelude::*, *};
extern crate seed_routing;
use seed_routing::{View, *};

enum Theme {

impl Default for Theme {
   fn default() -> Self {

fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {

        |subs::UrlRequested(requested_url, _)| router().confirm_navigation(requested_url),
    )); // ---> is equal to sync_router!();
    Model {
        register: Default::default(),
        login: Default::default(),
        dashboard: Default::default(),
        admin: Default::default(),
        logged_user: None,
        theme: Theme::default(),

struct Model {
    pub register: pages::register::Model,
    pub login: pages::login::Model,
    pub dashboard: pages::dashboard::Model,
    pub admin: pages::admin::Model,
    router: Router<Routes>,
    logged_user: Option<LoggedUser>,
    theme: Theme,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, RoutingModules)]
pub enum Routes {
    // http://localhost:8000/register
    // will handle: 
    // * loading "" file
    // * loading model.admin field
    // * verify init function arguments
    // * verify view function arguments
    // These are done for other Routes variants assosciated with a module.
    #[guard = "logged_user => admin_guard => forbidden_user"]
    Admin { 
        query: IndexMap<String, String>,

    // http://localhost:8000/login?name=JohnDoe
    // query pairs are held and generated by this query field
    Login {
        query: IndexMap<String, String>,
    #[guard = " => user_guard => forbidden"]
    Profile { // will load module "profile"
        id: String,
    // use the value of the `logged_user` field in the `admin_guard` function, 
    // falling back to the view generated by `fn forbidden_user` in case of
    // `admin_guard` not returning `Some(true)`
    #[guard = "logged_user => admin_guard => forbidden_user"]
    #[view = " => my_stuff"]

    // use the value of of the `theme` field in the model in the view generating
    // function `theme_eg` when creating the view for the `/theme_example` route
    #[view = "theme => theme_eg"]
    #[view = " => not_found"]


    #[view = " => home"]
    #[as_path = ""]

fn user_guard(model: &Model) -> Option<bool> {
    // could check local storage, cookie or what ever you want
    if model.logged_user.is_some() {
    } else {
fn admin_guard(logged_user: Option<&LoggedUser>) -> Option<bool> {
    // could check local storage, cookie or what ever you want
    if let Some(user) = logged_user {
        match user.role {
            Role::StandardUser => Some(false),
            Role::Admin => Some(true),
    } else {

fn not_found(_: &Model) -> Node<Msg> {
    div!["404 page not found"]

fn forbidden(_: &Model) -> Node<Msg> {
    div!["401 access denied"]

fn forbidden_user(logged_user: Option<&LoggedData>) -> Node<Msg> {
    if let Some(user) = logged_user {
            "Sorry {} {} , but you are missing the Admin Role. Ask your administrator for more information. ",
            user.first_name, user.last_name
    } else {

fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
    match msg {
        Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(_)) => {
            router().current_route().init(model, orders);
        // ...remaining arms

fn view(model: &Model) -> impl IntoNodes<Msg> {

fn theme_eg(theme: &Theme) -> impl IntoNodes<Msg> {
   match theme {
       Theme::Dark => {/* ... */},
       Theme::Light => {/* ... */},

Router life cycle

The router listens to Url changes

You can request to move back

Then we go back to the router listening

You can request to move forward

Then we go back to the router listening

Use the example

cd examples/backbone_app
cargo make watch 

cargo make serve

Open in your browser.






