
Local state for Seed web apps


seed_hooks: Local state for seed apps

seed_hooks is a crate that allows you to store state on a per component basis in your seed apps. It is designed as a clone of React Hooks, principally the useState hook.

Here a component is defined as a 'topological aware execution context', this means that the component is aware of its own call-site identity and location in the call tree.


This is a complete counting button with state implemented in in the Seed framework:

use seed_hooks::*;

fn my_button() -> Node<Msg> {
    let count = use_state(|| 0);

        button![count.mouse_ev(Ev::Click, |count, _| *count += 1), "Click me"],

The two most important functions are:

  • use_state(|| .. ) stores component state for the type returned by the closure.
    Returns a state accessor.
  • #[topo::nested] function annotation defines the a topologically aware function. Everything
    executed within the function will have its own unique topological id. The outermost nested function
    acts as a "root" which resets the topology and enables specific components to have
    a "topological identity".

How does it work?

  • this relies on the #![feature(track_caller)] feature gate to be enabled.

  • topo creates a new execution context for every #[topo::nested] function or every topo::call block. The outermost call re-roots the execution context. The re-rooting allows for consistent execution contexts for the same components as long as you re-root at the start of the base view function. This means that one can store and retrieve local data for an individual component annotated by #[topo::nested].

  • The execution context is not only determined by the order of calling a functions but also the source location of these calls. This means that state is consistent and stable even though branching logic might call topologically aware functions in different orders.

  • See this awesome talk explaining how topo works:

  • a type gets stored with : let my_string = use_state(||"text") which stores "text" in the component for the str type. This returns a state accessor struct responsible for getting and setting of the state.

  • The accessor is useful because it can be passed to callbacks or cloned or called from different topological contexts. i.e. my_string.(new_text) will work no matter where it is called.

  • currently seed_hooks exposes a clone to stored values via get() and to non-Clone types with get_with()

  • seed_hooks is a Seed specific wrapper around the atomic_hooks crate.