
Nudging the compiler to auto-vectorize things

APACHE-2.0 License



This library helps writing code in a way that incentives the compiler to optimize the results better (without really doing anything itself).

Modern compilers, including rustc, are able to come up with impressive ways to speed up the resulting code, using techniques like loop unrolling and autovectorization, routinely outperforming what one would hand-craft. Nevertheless, each optimisation has some assumptions that must be proven to hold before it can be applied.

This library offers „vector“ types, like u16x8, which act in a very similar way as little fixed-sized arrays (in this case it would be [u16; 8]), but with arithmetics defined for them. They also enforce alignment of the whole vectors. Therefore, one can write the algorithm in a way that works on these groups of data and make it easier for the compiler to prove the assumptions. This can result in multiple factor speed ups by giving the compiler these proofs „for free“ and allowing it to apply aggressive optimizations.

The API is inspired by the packed_simd and faster crates, but as it relies on the autovectorizer instead of using explicit SIMD instructions, it works on stable rust, allows speed ups even on platforms that don't have explicit SIMD support from the rust standard library (or no SIMD support at all).

The downside is the optimizations are not guaranteed. While it oftentimes produces results competitive or even better than hand-crafted vectorized code, a small change to surrounding code can also lead to much worse results. You're advised to apply this to only tight loops with enough data to crunch and to measure the performance.

It goes well together with function multiversioning, see for example the multiversion crate.

More details can be found in the documentation, including tips for effective use and what to try if the performance isn't as good as expected.


As a very simple example, imagine that the crux of the application's performance is summing a huge array of floats and we have this code:

fn compute(d: &[f32]) -> f32 {

Now, one could rewrite it to something like this, using manual vectorization:

use core::arch::x86_64 as arch;

unsafe fn compute_sse(d: &[f32]) -> f32 {
    let mut result = arch::_mm_setzero_ps();
    let iter = data.chunks_exact(4);
    let remainder = iter.remainder().iter().sum::<f32>();
    for v in iter {
        result = arch::_mm_add_ps(result, arch::_mm_loadu_ps(v.as_ptr()));

    let result: [f32; 4] = mem::transmute(result);
    let result = result.iter().sum::<f32>() + remainder;

And while this does result in significant speedup, it's also much less readable, one has to allow using unsafe through the application logic and is not portable (it won't run on anything that's not Intel and it won't take advantage of newer and better vector instructions even there). These downside usually make it not worth pursuing for more complex algorithms.

Using slipstream, one can also write this:

fn compute_slipstream(d: &[f32]) -> f32 {
    // Will split the data into vectors of 4 lanes, padding the last one with
    // the lanes from the provided parameter.
        // Sum the vectors into a final vector
        // Sum the lanes of the vectors together.

This is still longer and more complex than the original, but seems much more manageable than the manual version. It's also portable and might provide some speedup on platforms that don't have any vector instructions. Using the right annotations on the function, one is also able to generate multiple versions and dispatch the one that takes advantage of the newest and shiniest instructions the CPU supports at runtime.

Corresponding benchmarks on i5-8265U suggest that this version comes close to the manual one. Indeed, there are similar variants that are even faster.

test sum::basic                               ... bench:  11,707,693 ns/iter (+/- 261,428)
test sum::manual_sse_convert                  ... bench:   3,000,906 ns/iter (+/- 535,041)
test sum::vectorize_pad_default               ... bench:   3,141,834 ns/iter (+/- 81,376)

Note: to re-run the benchmarks as above, use type V = f32x4 in benches/

Warning: Floats are not associative. The first, manual, version may produce slightly different results because of rounding errors.

Help wanted

It is an open source library and help in developing it is welcome. There are some areal where Your contribution would be especially appreciated:

  • Feedback about the API, documentation and generally how well it is usable.
  • Implementing missing APIs: While a lot is covered already, there are areas
    that are still missing. I know of:
    • Some way to convert between different sizes of the base type (eg. f32x4 -> f64x4).
    • Various methods on types that are present on the base types ‒ trigonometric
      functions on floats, rounding, absolute values, number of set/unset bits on
      unsigned integers...
    • Vector-scalar multiplications. It is currently possible to do eg
      f32x2::splat(-1.0) * f32x2::new([1, 2]), but it would be more comfortable
      if it could be just written as -1.0 * f32x2::new([1, 2]).
  • Use cases and benchmarks: if you can come up with a simple, well-vectorizable
    problem and submit it as a benchmark, it helps keeping and improving the
    performance of the library. Both cases where the library performs well and
    where it doesn't are good to have (the latter could be considered bugs of a
    kind). Optimally, if such benchmark contains a naïve implementation (without
    this library), implementation using this library (possibly in multiple
    variations) and a hand-written vectorized code with the platform specific
    intrinsics. But if any of these are missing (for example because it would be
    too much work to write the manually vectorized code), it's still better than
  • Improving performance: While it is the compiler that makes the program go
    fast, how good the compiler is in the job highly depends on if it can „see
    through“ the code. If you can tweak implementation of some method in a way
    that's more understandable and transparent to the compiler, it is great. Most
    of the code was written as fast as possible and only some tweaking was done
    for now. For example, the vectorize_pad method seems surprisingly slow,
    ideally it would produce code with comparable speed to vectorize.
  • Dealing with unsafe: At many places, the library uses unsafe code. This was
    oftentimes written that way because of performance ‒ for example, initializing
    the GenericArray from an iterator prevented a lot of optimisations and led
    to significantly inferior performance. Optimally, each such unsafe code
    would get replaced by safe code, or would get a comment explaining/proving
    that it is indeed safe.

If you want to work on anything bigger, it's a good idea to open an issue on the repository to both discuss it first and to reserve the task.


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