


This is a reusable fuzzer for Soroban contracts that implement the standard TokenInterface.

Soroban contract authors implementing tokens can use it to gain confidence in their code.


At present, this requires a specific commit of rs-soroban-env and rs-soroban-sdk to be checked out in directories adjacent to soroban-token-fuzzer.

This changes over time as the SDK changes.

How to use

Install cargo-fuzz:

cargo install cargo-fuzz

Running the fuzzer against two in-tree tokens:

cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_native_token
cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_example_token

The main part of this project is the soroban-token-fuzzer crate, in the root directory of this repo. It is a library that implements reusable token fuzzing logic. Customized token fuzzers are programs that link to soroban-token-fuzzer and run it with their own configuration.

In this repo, the soroban-token-fuzzer-driver crate, in the fuzz directory, is such a crate. It includes the fuzz_native_token and fuzz_example_token fuzzers.

The easiest way to use this fuzzer is to clone this repo, and simply add another fuzzer to the soroban-token-fuzzer-driver crate.

Adding a fuzzer to soroban-token-fuzzer-driver

  1. Copy fuzz/fuzz_targets/ to e.g.

  2. Edit fuzz/Cargo.toml to add your contract as a dependency, e.g.

    my-token.path = "../tokens/my-token"
    my-token.features = ["testutils"]

    Make sure your crate has a "testutils" feature and it is activated.

  3. In fuzz/Cargo.toml, declare as a binary:

    name = "fuzz_my_token"
    path = "fuzz_targets/"
    test = false
    doc = false
  4. Adapt to use your token.

Now you can fuzz your token with

cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_my_token

How does it work?

The fuzzer generates several addresses, one of which will be an admin. These addresses may be contract addresses or native account addresses.

It uses token-specific code to initialize the contract.

It then executes some number of commands against the contract, either a method on the TokenInterface interface, a token-specific mint method, or a command to advance time and begin a new transaction. For each call it generates auths for a random subset of addresses.

After every step the fuzzer makes general assertions about invariants, and specific assertions related to the executed command.

It maintains independent state about what it expects from the token's internal state, including information about mints, burns, allowances and balances.

What is tested / asserted?

After every step various invariants are asserted:

  • The sum of all balances is equal to the sum of mints minus the sum of burns.
  • All pairs of addresses have allowance equal to the fuzzer's own accounting of allowances.
  • All current balances are greater than or equal to 0.
  • All current balances are equal to the fuzzer's own accounting of balances.
  • Contract calls do not panic (unless it's with panic_with_error!).
    An error of type WasmVm
    and code InvalidAction
    is considered a panic,
    as that is what the runtime generates on panic.
  • Math does not overflow (detected as a panic).
  • For approve, transfer, transfer_from, burn_from, burn,
    if the input amount is negative, the call returns an error.
  • If the correct auths have not been provided the call fails.
  • The results of the name, symbol and decimals
    methods have not changed.

What is yet to be tested?

  • Admin methods other than mint. There is no standard
    admin interface for Soroban tokens.
  • Accessor methods don't mutate internal state.
  • More assertions about negative numbers in various situations.
  • More assertions about expected results of individual calls.
  • Intentionally expiring allowances, the contract etc.
  • Assertions about expected events.
  • Comparison to reference implementation
    • We can test that many tokens all have the same / similar behavior as a reference implementation

Tips for writing fuzzable Soroban contracts

The most important thing to know about fuzzing soroban contracts: never call panic! and related functions to handle errors that may occur during normal operation: the fuzzer views panics as bugs. Instead, use the Soroban-specific panic_with_error! macro, which the fuzzer can distinguish from a bare panic!.

For additional tips see the end of this video presentation.

