
An example for using the Rust language to write Spark UDFs

MIT License


Apache Spark UDFs in Rust

This repo is an example (and template) for using the Rust language to write Spark UDFs.


Ok, I know this is not the best solution and rather Scala or Java should be used. But the JVM world is very big (for me). I use Python in my job and sometimes Python UDFs are slow that's why this project was born. I am very excited about projects like datafusion, ballista, polars but they are not ready for production.

Usage Notes

Step 1: Clone repo

git clone <url>

Step 2: Rename rustside and javaside (Optional)

You can rename rustside and javaside if needed.

Step 3: Fix App class

You need to update Java UDF (in file Specify the correct input / output types. In the current implementation an input type is String and an output type is []String. This is simple, you don't need to know Java.

Step 4: Update C headers

Run make java_compile

It's needed for implementing a function in Rust. You can see a file with headers here ${JAVASIDE}/src/main/native/include/com_github_silentsokolov_App.h.

Step 5: Implement Rust

We use the jni-rs. Read docs and implement a function in Rust.

You can run make rust_test and make rust_build for test/build.

Step 6: Build Jar

Run make build

Step 6: Register and use your UDF

# spark-submit --jars /path/to/udf.jar ...

spark.udf.registerJavaFunction('parseUrl', 'com.github.silentsokolov.App', t.ArrayType(t.StringType(), True))

df = spark.createDataFrame(
df ='parseUrl(url)'))

Step 6: Bonus

You can also use this repo to automatically create a jar with Github Action. Just create a git tag that starts with v.


Jupyter Notebook

native: 7 s  197 ms per loop (mean  std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
rust: 7.66 s  459 ms per loop (mean  std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
python: 14 s  310 ms per loop (mean  std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)