
Manual testing tool and full application example for Stepper.

OTHER License


Stepper Terminal

Please consider supporting this project financially. More information below.


Allows you to control a stepper motor from your PC via a CLI app that sends commands to a firmware application running on an LPC845-BRK development board.

The firmware application uses the Stepper library to control the motor. It is intended to serve as a testbed and usage example for Stepper. This project and Stepper are part of Flott, an open source toolkit for motion control software in Rust.


This project is usable, but doesn't yet expose all of the features of Stepper. Check out the list of issues for some documented limitations. Help in filling the gaps is very welcome!


Set up the hardware

You need the following hardware:

Then make the following connections:

LPC845-BRK STSPIN220 Motor Power
1 - PIO0_16 STBY
2 - PIO0_17 MODE1
3 - PIO0_18 MODE2
4 - PIO0_19 STEP/MODE3
5 - PIO0_20 DIR/MODE4
20 - GND GND
50 - VDD VCC
A1 A1
A2 A2
B2 B2
B1 B1

Flash the firmware

From the repository root, execute:

cd firmware
cargo embed

Assuming you have cargo-embed installed, and an LPC845-BRK is connected via USB, this should flash and run the firmware, as well as open an RTT terminal with some log output.

Run the CLI

From the repository root, execute:

cd cli
cargo run -- move-to 2000

This should move the motor by 2000 steps, using a nice acceleration ramp. Please note that the argument specifies an absolute position, so executing the same command again will not result in any movement (the motor already is at step 2000).

You can learn more about the command-line interface using --help:

cargo run -- --help

You can also use --help on specific subcommands:

cargo run -- move-to --help


If you're getting value out of this project, Stepper or other libraries from the Flott toolkit, please consider supporting us financially. Your sponsorship helps to keep the project healthy and moving forward.

Hanno Braun, maintainer and original creator of this application, is accepting sponsorship.


This project is open source software, licensed under the terms of the Zero Clause BSD License (0BSD, for short). This basically means you can do anything with the software, without any restrictions, but you can't hold the authors liable for problems.

See for full details.