

Streamer Template

This is a place to play around with some project layouts for audio streaming servers that provide bidirectional streaming interface to some CPU bound model.

Currently very WIP. If you come back later this might be more fleshed out!


In world there are APIs where you stream audio or some continuous data into them and insights about said data are streamed out. I've had cause to do this a lot in my work and have people with less domain experience work on these systems as well. Often the audio processing is also computationally intensive such as speech AI.

So with this project I wanted to create something laid out in a clean manner which demonstrates numerous patterns and ways of designing such APIs in a way that they're testable, maintainable and hopefully performant.

The Patterns

In my background there's a few decisions to make. For processing the data via a model we have the decison on whether we:

  1. Process all of the incoming audio
  2. Detect segments of interest and process them (VAD/energy filtering)

For the first options there's also a choice on whether we can process segments concurrently or if the result from one segment needs to be applied to the future segment for various reasons i.e. smoothing/hiding seams generative outputs from the audio.

Enumerating these patterns and representing them all in the code is a WIP. Currently, I process everything and assume no relationship between utterances. DayJob™ may open source some packages soon that I can reuse for some things like filtering.

What's Included

So far a server (pretty unconfigurable) and a client to stream audio into it. The server just returns a count of bytes in the segment but I may add some more interesting non-filler functionality. The server also adds a blocking delay because neural network inferences are blocking and it can serve as a way of modelling how this impacts the performance of the async runtime.

Opentelemetry support is also included with trace propagation via websockets! This is tricky because javascript doesn't let you set HTTP headers with websocket requests so one approach APIs I've used have gone with is including a trace-id in the first message sent over the websocket. I have replicated this and handled the faffy-pain of trace propagation.

Tokio task metrics are now included for the main blocks in the streaming pipeline!

The Write-up

Look in the doc folder and you'll find snatches of write-up that will at some point hopefully become a useful knowledge base. For diagrams I'm trying excalidraw but that may change. I yearn for animated diagrams of beauty.

Future Work

Things like limiting based on resources, i.e. we don't want to consume all GPU memory. Additionally, various metrics, testing strategies and all the things you need to run this stuff with any real confidence in production. Probably a big ol' writeup about it as well.

If I want to do more of the audio side I might look at pure rust audio format conversion as that's often a component.