
Extract all your liked URLs from StumbleUpon


StumbleUpon is going away on June 30th 2018, and all your data will also go away with it. If you, like me, have many fond memories of very late nights where you just had to Stumble one more time, then this might make you sad. What if you want to go on a nostalgia trip back to those old days? You can technically have your likes transferred to "Mix", the service that's taking over StumbleUpon, but that seems like more hassle than it's worth. And besides, you don't even really get your data that way.

So, I wrote a tool that fetches all the URLs that you have liked, and stores them (along with the page's title) in CSV format. So you can import them into, well, wherever.

Here's what you have to do

  1. git clone
  2. cd su-extract && cargo run (you'll need Rust installed).
  3. Open Google Chrome (Chromium should also work)
  4. Open the Network inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I, select the "Network" tab)
  5. Go to your StumbleUpon profile while logged in
  6. Put all?userid in the filter box in the top left
  7. Right click the one row and click Copy -> Copy as cURL
  8. Paste into the terminal where you did cargo run.

The program should show a little progress bar that displays how many likes have been fetched so far, as well as much time remains. At the end, all of your likes will be available in likes.csv. Enjoy!


If you are having problems pasting the long URL, you can modify the first few lines of (everything in main above if input.is_empty() to be:

let mut f = File::open("curl.txt").expect("file not found");
let mut input = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut input)
 .expect("something went wrong reading the file");

Then just put the URL into a file called curl.txt in the current directory and run the program with cargo run. Thanks to @joelgerard from #1.