
Synchronize rust and typescript types!

OTHER License



A utility to generate typescript types from rust code. Tries to conform to serde's serialized output.


There are two parts to this:

  1. The CLI tool (or see "Usage as a library"):

    cargo install tsync
  2. The dependency for rust projects (to use the #[tsync] attribute; see usage below)

    cargo add tsync@1


Mark structs with #[tsync] as below:

/// src/main.rs
use tsync::tsync;

/// Doc comments are preserved too!
struct Book {
  name: String,
  chapters: Vec<Chapter>,
  user_reviews: Option<Vec<String>>

struct Chapter {
  title: String,
  pages: u32

/// Time in UTC seconds
type UTC = usize;

Then use the CLI tool:

tsync -i ./src -o types.d.ts

And voilà!

/// types.d.ts

/* This file is generated and managed by tsync */

// Doc comments are preserved too!
interface Book {
  name: string
  chapters: Array<Chapter>
  user_reviews?: Array<string>

interface Chapter {
  title: string
  pages: number

// Time in UTC seconds
type UTC = number

Supported Conversions & Examples

Rust code with #[tsync] Typescript output
struct .d.ts file or .ts file
type .d.ts file or .ts file
enum .d.ts file or .ts file
const (or limited json! support) .ts fileNote: if you specify a .d.ts extension for your output, rust consts with #[tsync] are ignored

Multiple Inputs

You can specify many inputs (directories and/or files) using the -i flag multiple times, like so:

tsync -i directory1 -i directory2 -o types.d.ts

Multiple Outputs

It might help to create multiple typing files for your project. It's easy, just call tsync multiple times:

tsync -i src/models -o models.d.ts
tsync -i src/api -o api.d.ts

Usage as a library

In the case that installing tsync globally isn't an option (or causes other concerns), you can use it as a library.

  1. Add the library to your project:

    cargo add tsync@1
  2. Create a new binary in your project which uses the crate (for example, bin/tsync.rs):

    // bin/tsync.rs
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    pub fn main() {
    let dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");
        let inputs = vec![PathBuf::from_iter([dir, "backend"])];
        let output = PathBuf::from_iter([dir, "frontend/src/types/rust.d.ts"]);
        tsync::generate_typescript_defs(inputs, output, false);
  3. Create a Cargo.toml binary entry:

    name = "tsync"
    path = "bin/tsync.rs"
  4. Execute!

    cargo run --bin tsync

Protip: to use cargo tsync, create an alias in .cargo/config:

tsync="run --bin tsync"


A list of files which can't be opened or parsed successfully are listed after executing tsync. For other errors, try using the --debug flag to pinpoint issues. Please use the Github issue tracker to report any issues.


See tsync --help for more information.

Feel free to open tickets for support or feature requests.


Use ./test/test_all.sh to run tests. After running the test, there should be no unexpected changes to files in ./test (use git status and git diff to see if there were any changes).


This tool is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).