
Turborepo remote cache server as a Github Action

MIT License


How can I use this in my monorepo?

Make sure that you have an S3-compatible storage available. We currently tested with:

You can use the Turbo Cache Server as a GitHub Action. Here is how:

  1. In your workflow files, add the following global environment variables:

      TURBO_API: ""
      # The value of TURBO_TOKEN is irrelevant
      # as we don't perform any auth against the cache server
      # but it's still necessary for Turborepo
      TURBO_TOKEN: "turbo-token"
  2. In the same workflow file, after checking out your code, start the Turbo Cache Server in the background:

    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: Turborepo Cache Server
      uses: brunojppb/[email protected]
        PORT: "8585"
        S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
        S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
        S3_ENDPOINT: ${{ secrets.S3_ENDPOINT }}
        S3_BUCKET_NAME: your-bucket-name-here
        # Region defaults to "eu-central-1"
        S3_REGION: "eu-central-1"
        # if your S3-compatible store does not support requests
        # like https://bucket.hostname.domain/. Setting `S3_USE_PATH_STYLE`
        # to true configures the S3 client to make requests like
        # https://hostname.domain/bucket instead.
        # Defaults to "false"
        S3_USE_PATH_STYLE: false
        # Max payload size for each cache object sent by Turborepo
        # Defaults to 100 MB
        # Requests larger than that, will get "HTTP 413: Entity Too Large" errors
        MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_MB: "100"
    # Now you can run your turborepo tasks and rely on the cache server
    # available in the background to provide previously built artifacts (cache hits)
    # and let Turborepo upload new artifacts when there is a cache miss.
    - name: Run tasks
      run: turbo run test build typecheck

And that is all you need to use our remote cache server for Turborepo. As a reference, take a look at this example workflow file for inspiration.

[!NOTE] These environment variables are required by Turborepo so it can call the Turbo Cache Server with the right HTTP body, headers and query strings. These environment variables are necessary so the Turborepo binary can identify the Remote Cache feature is enabled and can use them across all steps. You can read more about this here on the Turborepo official docs.

How does that work?

Turbo Cache Server is a tiny web server written in Rust that uses any S3-compatible bucket as its storage layer for the artifacts generated by Turborepo.

What happens when there is a cache hit?

Here is a diagram showing how the Turbo Cache Server works within our actions during a cache hit:

    actor A as Developer
    participant B as GitHub
    participant C as GitHub Actions
    participant D as Turbo Cache Server
    participant E as S3 bucket
    A->>+B: Push new commit to GH.<br>Trigger PR Checks.
    B->>+C: Trigger CI pipeline
    C->>+D: turborepo cache server via<br/>"use: [email protected]" action
    Note right of C: Starts a server instance<br/> in the background.
    D-->>-C: Turbo cache server ready
    C->>+D: Turborepo executes task<br/>(e.g. test, build)
    Note right of C: Cache check on the Turbo cache server<br/>for task hash "1wa2dr3"
    D->>+E: Get object with name "1wa2dr3"
    E-->>-D: object "1wa2dr3" exists
    D-->>-C: Cache hit for task "1wa2dr3"
    Note right of C: Replay logs and artifacts<br/>for task
    C->>+D: Post-action: Shutdown Turbo Cache Server
    D-->>-C: Turbo Cache server terminates safely
    C-->>-B: CI pipline complete
    B-->>-A: PR Checks done

What happens when there is a cache miss?

When a cache isn't yet available, the Turbo Cache Server will handle new uploads and store the artifacts in S3 as you can see in the following diagram:

    actor A as Developer
    participant B as GitHub
    participant C as GitHub Actions
    participant D as Turbo Cache Server
    participant E as S3 bucket
    A->>+B: Push new commit to GH.<br>Trigger PR Checks.
    B->>+C: Trigger CI pipeline
    C->>+D: turborepo cache server via<br/>"use: [email protected]" action
    Note right of C: Starts a server instance<br/> in the background.
    D-->>-C: Turborepo cache server ready
    C->>+D: Turborepo executes build task
    Note right of C: Cache check on the server<br/>for task hash "1wa2dr3"
    D->>+E: Get object with name "1wa2dr3"
    E-->>-D: object "1wa2dr3" DOES NOT exist
    D-->>-C: Cache miss for task "1wa2dr3"
    Note right of C: Turborepo executes task normaly
    C-->>C: Turborepo executes build task
    C->>+D: Turborepo uploads cache artifact<br/>with hash "1wa2dr3"
    D->>+E: Put object with name "1wa2dr3"
    E->>-D: Object stored
    D-->>-C: Cache upload complete
    C->>+D: Post-action: Turbo Cache Server shutdown
    D-->>-C: Turbo Cache server terminates safely
    C-->>-B: CI pipline complete
    B-->>-A: PR Checks done


Turbo Cache Server requires Rust 1.75 or above. To setup your environment, use the rustup script as recommended by the Rust docs:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Now run the following command to run the web server locally:

cargo run

Setting up your environment

During local development, you might want to try the Turbo Dev Server locally against a JS monorepo. As it depends on a S3-compatible service for storing Turborepo artifacts, we recommend using Minio with Docker with the following command:

docker run \
  -d \
  -p 9000:9000 \
  -p 9001:9001 \
  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  --name minio1 \
  -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio" \
  -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minio12345" \
  -v ./s3_data:/data \
  quay.io/minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9001"

Setting up environment variables

Copy the .env.example file, rename it to .env and add the environment variables required. As we use Minio locally, just go to the Web UI of Minio, create a bucket and generate credentials and copy it to the .env file.


To execute the test suite, run:

cargo test

While running our end-to-end tests, you might run into the following error:

thread 'actix-server worker 9' panicked at /src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/actix-server-2.4.0/src/worker.rs:404:34:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 24, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Too many open files" }
thread 'artifacts::list_team_artifacts_test' panicked at tests/e2e/artifacts.rs:81:29:
Failed to request /v8/artifacts

This is likely due the the maximum number of open file descriptors defined for your user. Just run the following command to fix it:

ulimit -n 1024