
Aids debugging Rust type layout

OTHER License



type-layout is a type layout debugging aid, providing a #[derive]able trait that reports:

  • The type's name, size, and minimum alignment
  • Each field's name, type, offset, and size
  • Padding due to alignment requirements

type-layout currently only functions on structs with named fields. This is a temporary limitation.


The layout of types is only defined if they're #[repr(C)]. This crate works on non-#[repr(C)] types, but their layout is unpredictable.

use type_layout::TypeLayout;

struct Foo {
    a: u8,
    b: u32,

println!("{}", Foo::type_layout());
// prints:
// Foo (size 8, alignment 4)
// | Offset | Name      | Size |
// | ------ | --------- | ---- |
// | 0      | a         | 1    |
// | 1      | [padding] | 3    |
// | 4      | b         | 4    |

Over-aligned types have trailing padding, which can be a source of bugs in some FFI scenarios:

use type_layout::TypeLayout;

#[repr(C, align(128))]
struct OverAligned {
    value: u8,

println!("{}", OverAligned::type_layout());
// prints:
// OverAligned (size 128, alignment 128)
// | Offset | Name      | Size |
// | ------ | --------- | ---- |
// | 0      | value     | 1    |
// | 1      | [padding] | 127  |

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

type-layout supports Rust 1.34.1 and newer. Until type-layout reaches 1.0, changes to the MSRV will require major version bumps. After 1.0, MSRV changes will only require minor version bumps, but will need significant justification.


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