
My own personal overengineered helpers to solve AoC problems in Rust


My own personal overengineered helpers to solve AoC problems in Rust!

The project is organized in one crate per year under the years directory.

Each crate has an inputs folder, which is where the tool will look for inputs.

How to run solutions

Of course each year can be run independently. Each solution is organized as its own binary under the src/bin folder, and uses the #[entry] macro (custom to this project) to define the entrypoint:

A simple way to run a single solution would be to do this:

cargo run -p y2022 --bin d05

If you want to bench a single solution, add --bench:

cargo run -p y2022 --bin d05 -- --bench

The following are the available arguments:

  • --bench - Run the solution as a benchmark.
  • --verbose - Verbose output.
  • --warmup - Warmup period for benchmark in milliseconds (default 400).
  • --time-limit - Time to run the benchmark in milliseconds (default 100).
  • --iter - How many iterations to run for a single sample, this is determined
    by timing the solution once so that we don't try to take timings in the
    nanosecond realm which would be unreliable.
  • --json - Output JSON which is used by the "run everything" tool below to
    collect and aggregate output. You can use it yourself if you find it

The "run everything" tool

The default tool in this project is provided by the lib crate, and allows for running every project at once (automatically discovered). It works with your default cargo run:

$ cargo run -- <args> -- <solution args>

<args> is one of the following:

  • -q | --quiet - less verbose output. * -V | --verbose - more verbose
  • -p <project> - only run the specified sub-project, like y2022 for 2022
    solutions only.
  • --release - run in release mode.
  • --no-prod - disable the "production mode", which removes a bunch of stuff
    that is solely used to improve diagnostics during development.

How to run every solution in this repo:

cargo run -- -V

Run all benchmarks in this repo:

cargo run -- --release -- --bench