
Rust library for a forward scan over a vector with mutation and item removal

OTHER License



Forward scan over a vector with mutation and item removal.

Provides a VecMutScan wrapper for a Vec with an iterator like interface over which also allows mutation and removal of items. Items are kept in order and every item is moved at most once, even when items are removed. Dropping the VecMutScan mid-iteration keeps remaining items in the vector.

This can be seen as an extension of Vec's retain and drain. It is also very similar to the unstable drain_filter but slightly more flexible. Unlike drain_filter this specifies the drop behavior (to keep all following elements). It also doesn't require the filtering to be done within a closure, which gives additional flexibilty at the cost of not being able to implement the Iterator trait.

Also provides a VecGrowScan wrapper that extends VecMutScan to allow insertions during the iteration. This may require additional item moves and temporary storage, but still runs in linear time.


This software is available under the Zero-Clause BSD license, see COPYRIGHT for full licensing information and exceptions to this.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this software by you shall be licensed as defined in COPYRIGHT.