
Game of Life-like simulations using wgpu.



A demo using the rust wgpu implementation of the WebGPU API to compute and render the Game of Life and Life-like simulations.

See the online version in a WebGPU capable browser at https://wgpu-game-of-life.fornwall.net or run a checkout locally using cargo run.

It's based on WebGPU Samples, ported to rust and wgpu (with the help of Learn Wgpu) and having some additional features for demonstration purposes. It uses winit for cross-platform windowing functionality.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Change generations per second: Q to go slower, W to speed up
  • Change grid size: -/+
  • Change initial density: Left/Right arrows
  • Change rule: Up/Down arrows
  • Download image: I (web version only)
  • Play/Pause: Space
  • Reset: R
  • Toggle controls: Tab/C (web version only)
  • Toggle fullscreen: F

Platform: Android

Use cargo-ndk to build and run (release builds requires the CARGO_APK_RELEASE_KEYSTORE and CARGO_APK_RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD environment variables to be set).

  • make [RELEASE=1] build-android: Build apk at target/[debug/release]/apk/wgpu-game-of-life.apk
  • make [RELEASE=1] run-android: Run app on connected device or emulator.

Platform: iOS

Run make run-ios-simulator to run inside the iOS simulator.

Platform: Web

Run make run-web to build, serve and open the web version in a browser.
