
A blazingly fast multiplatform packet sniffer built with Tauri!

MIT License



A blazingly fast multiplatform packet sniffer built with Tauri!


  1. Properly install all the needed dependencies
  2. Download the latest release of the intended OS and follow the installation wizard

If you prefer building from source code, you must install all the Tauri's dependencies, clone the repo and run npm run tauri build


  • Interception: sets the network adapter in promiscuous mode and reconstructs all the info related to the collected packets. For now, the list of fully parsed packets is:

    • Ethernet
    • IPv4, IPv6
    • ICMPv4, ICMPv6
    • UDP, TCP
    • HTTP, DNS, TLS

    The interception can be paused, in order to be subsequently resumed, or stopped.

  • Filtering: the collected packets can be filtered out by means of packet type (eg. IPv4, TCP, ...) or packet inner fields (eg. Source IP, Destination MAC, ...)

  • Report generation: a textual representation describing a synthesis of the observed events is provided. For each of the network address/port pairs that have been observed, it lists the protocols that was transported, the cumulated number of bytes transmitted, the timestamp of the first and last occurrence of information exchange, all in CSV format. For instance:
    Source IP,Destination IP,Source Port,Destination Port,First Data Exchange,Last Data Exchange,Bytes Exchanged,Protocols,,53826,443,2022-10-19 16:54:13,2022-10-19 16:54:14,12837,TCP;IPv4;TLS,,53798,443,2022-10-19 16:54:10,2022-10-19 16:54:10,120,IPv4;TCP,,-,-,2022-10-19 16:54:17,2022-10-19 16:54:17,42,ARP,,61392,443,2022-10-19 16:54:19,2022-10-19 16:54:19,184,IPv4;TLS;TCP
  • Report interval: the report is generated every a user-provided interval expires, and continues to do so until the sniffing process is paused/stopped.



WinPcap is needed, along with the WinPcap Developer's Pack. Add the /Lib or /Lib/x64 folder to your LIB environment variable.


On Debian based Linux, install libpcap-dev. If not running as root, you need to set capabilities like so: sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip path/to/bin

Mac OS X

libpcap should be installed on Mac OS X by default.