
A dead simple logger that works globally and across threads.

MIT License



A logger for Rust that's *actually* easy to use.


  • Easy to use: Just import the macros and you're good to go. No need to
    configure anything. No need to create a logger. Just log.
  • Versatile: Log messages at different levels, works across threads, and
    can be used in libraries.
  • Lightweight: Relies only on lazy_static for thread safety and
    chrono for timestamps (in addition to the standard library).


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

woody = "0.1.2"


use woody::*;

fn main() {
    log!(LogLevel::Info, "An info message.");
    log_debug!("A debug message.");
    log_info!("An info message.");
    log_warn!("A warning message.");
    log_error!("An error message.");
    log_trace!("A trace message.");

Logs are output to the woody.log file in the current directory.

Environment variables can be set to control the log level and output file:

$ WOODY_LEVEL=error cargo run # Only error messages will be logged
$ WOODY_FILE=woodyrulez.log cargo run # Logs will be written to woodyrulez.log


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

[!IMPORTANT] When running tests, make sure to remove the woody.log file in the current directory after each test run.

cargo test && rm ./woody.log

To publish a new version, update the version number in Cargo.toml and in README.md, and then run:

cargo publish


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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