
The fastest async runtime for Rust, built using fibers/green-threads

MIT License



msrv: 1.80.0 stable


Safe, performant, and efficient async rust runtime. Same syntax as async rust and zero-cost ergonomics. Based on stackful coroutines.


This library is not ready for production use. Many semantics and APIs are still under development.

This library is currently only available for Linux (other OS's contributions are welcome). For Windows and Mac users, running in Docker or WSL also work. See features and development stage

The rust docker container is sufficient.

Getting started

The following is a simple echo server example

Add dependency

# support lib and async impls
cargo add --git https://github.com/davidzeng0/xx-core.git xx-core

# i/o engine and driver
cargo add --git https://github.com/davidzeng0/xx-pulse.git xx-pulse

In file main.rs

use xx_pulse::{Tcp, TcpListener};
use xx_pulse::impls::TaskExt;
use xx_core::error::{Error, Result};
use xx_core::macros::duration;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let listener = Tcp::bind("").await?;

    // Can also timeout operations after 5s
    let listener2: Option<Result<TcpListener>> = Tcp::bind("...")
        .timeout(duration!(5 s))

    loop {
        let (mut client, _) = listener.accept().await?;

        xx_pulse::spawn(async move {
            let mut buf = [0; 1024];

            loop {
                let n = client.recv(&mut buf, Default::default()).await?;

                if n == 0 {

                let n = client.send(&buf, Default::default()).await?;

                if n == 0 {

            Ok::<_, Error>(())

Thread local safety

Thread local access is safe because of async/await syntax. A compiler error prevents usage of .await in synchronous functions and closures. xx-pulse uses cooperative scheduling, so it is impossble to suspend in a closure without using unsafe. To suspend anyway, see using sync code as if it were async

async fn try_use_thread_local() {
	THREAD_LOCAL.with(|value| {
		// Ok, cannot cause UB

	THREAD_LOCAL.with(|value| {
		// Compiler error: cannot use .await in a synchronous function/closure!

Features and development stage

Available I/O Backends:

  • io_uring (requires linux kernel version >= 5.6, recommended 5.11 or 6.1 for best performance)
  • kqueue, iocp, epoll: contributions welcome

Currently supported architectures:

  • amd64 (x86_64)
  • arm64 (aarch64)

Current and planned features:

  • custom async desugaring
  • low latency and zero overhead read/write APIs with the same ergonomics as std::io, now with 100% less allocations, thread_local lookups, memory copy, and passing owned buffers
  • dynamic dispatch
  • low overhead spawn, select, join
  • safe async closures, async fn mut
  • use sync code in an async manner, without rewriting existing sync code
  • multithreading (in progress)
  • async drop (compiler support is ideal)
  • io_uring goodies (fixed file, buffer select)