
MIT License


Zorglub-33 emulator

This is an emulator for the z33 architecture used in the "Architecture des Systèmes d'Exploitation" course at the University of Strasbourg.

Getting the emulator


Binaries for the latest release are available here:

Using the binaries on macOS

The macOS binaries are not signed, and macOS will quarantine them by default. This can be fixed by removing the quarantine flag on the binary:

xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine [path to]/z33-cli


Alternatively, it can be compiled from source with a recent enough Rust compiler (>= 1.40). Check the official documentation on how to install Rust.

git clone https://github.com/sandhose/z33-emulator
cd z33-emulator
cargo build --release
# Binary is available under `target/release/z33-cli'

Running a program

[path to]/z33-cli run samples/fact.S main

Interactive mode

[path to]/z33-cli run -i samples/fact.S main

Available commands:

  • help [command]: Print the help message of a command
  • memory <address> [n]: Show a block of memory. The address can be either a register with or without offset (e.g. %sp-5) or a literal (e.g. 100). The second argument is the number of cells to show (one by default).
  • registers [register]: Show the value of a register. If no register is specified, shows the value of all five of them.
  • list: Show the code that will be run next.
  • step [n]: Run n step of the program (one by default).
  • break <address>: Set a breakpoint at given address.
  • unbreak <address>: Remove a breakpoint at given address.
  • info breakpoints: Show the list of breakpoints
  • continue: Run the code until the next breakpoint
  • interrupt: Trigger a hardware interrupt
  • exit: Exit the emulator


Releasing a new version is done by running doing the following steps:

  • Change the crate version in the Cargo.toml. This can be automated using cargo-edit:
    # Edit the bump flag accordingly
    cargo set-version --bump patch
    # Crate version can be extracted like that
    VERSION="v$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == "z33-cli").version')"
  • Commit the changes
    git commit -m "${VERSION}" ./Cargo.lock ./Cargo.toml
    git push
  • Create a new git tag and push it
    git tag -s "${VERSION}"
    git push --tags
  • Wait for the CI to create the draft GitHub release
  • Finish the release from the GitHub interface
cargo set-version --bump patch
VERSION="v$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == "z33-cli").version')"
git commit -m "${VERSION}" ./Cargo.lock ./Cargo.toml
git push
git tag -s "${VERSION}"
git push --tags


MIT © Quentin Gliech