
Zellij Layout Generator

MIT License


ZelLayGen (Zellij Layout Generator)

Easy to generate layout.kdl for Zellij


  • Rust
  • Cargo


  1. Copy config_template.toml to config.toml
  2. Edit config.toml
    • name : Name of session & kdl file - {name}.kdl
    • dir : Directory to your project dir - ~/path/to/project
    • editor_cmd : Editor open dir command (e.g. nvim, code . and etc.)
    • tree_tool : Tool for file tree view (e.g. broot)
    • monitor_tool : Tool for monitor (e.g. htop, btm, btop, ytop and etc.)
    • git_tool : Tool for git (e.g. lazygit, gitui and etc.)
  3. Run via Cargo
    cargo run --release
  4. Check generated {name}.kdl


Generated kdl file from default config_template.toml is as follow.

layout {
    default_tab_template {
        pane size=1 borderless=true {
            plugin location="zellij:tab-bar"
        pane size=2 borderless=true {
            plugin location="zellij:status-bar"
    tab name="work" focus=true split_direction="Vertical" {
        pane split_direction="Vertical" {
            pane name="editor" command="/usr/bin/zsh" focus=true {
                args "-c" "cd ~/path/to/project && nvim"
            pane split_direction="Horizontal" {
                pane name="files" command="/usr/bin/zsh" {
                    args "-c" "cd ~/path/to/project && broot"
                pane name="shell" command="/usr/bin/zsh" {
                    args "-c" "cd ~/path/to/project && /usr/bin/zsh"
    tab name="perf" {
        pane name="monitor" command="btm"
    tab name="git" {
        pane name="git" {
            command "/usr/bin/zsh"
            args "-c" "cd ~/path/to/project && lazygit"
session_name "test"
attach_to_session true