
A collection of user Salt formulas for Qubes OS.


User Salt Formulas for Qubes OS

A collection of user Salt formulas for Qubes OS.


This repository contains a collection of Salt formulas that I use in Qubes OS, along with the tooling necessary to create RPM packages in order to get those Salt formulas into dom0 in a reasonably secure fashion.

See RPM packaging in the context of Qubes OS for more information about why RPM packages may be a good way to copy files into dom0.

See also the References section in this README, bear in mind that your cirumstances and mine could be different, and use own judgement.



Enable the Salt user directories if you haven't already. This allows to install Salt formulas without mixing them with the base formulas that are maintained by the Qubes OS team.

# dom0

sudo qubesctl top.enable qubes.user-dirs

Then apply the state to ensure the directories are present:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl state.apply


This repository contains multiple formulas and it is not required to use them all. For each of them, similar installation and usage instructions apply: please refer to their respective READMEs for details.

Useful commands

Enabling a formula

In Qubes OS, Salt states are applied by qubesctl. No state will be applied by qubesctl unless its top files have been enabled.

In qubesctl/Salt context, the directories are separated by a . and the .top extension is omitted. Multiple top files can be enabled all at once:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl top.enable split-ssh.client split-ssh.policy split-ssh.vault

At any time, you can list all the enabled formulas:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl top.enabled
# local
#     ----------
#     user:
#         - /srv/salt/_tops/user/split-ssh.vault.top
#         - /srv/salt/_tops/user/split-ssh.client.top
#         - /srv/salt/_tops/user/split-ssh.policy.top
#     base:
#         - /srv/salt/_tops/base/topd.top
#         - /srv/salt/_tops/base/qubes.user-dirs.top

Applying the state

If you've got time to spare, the enabled states can be applied at once across all qubes:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --all state.apply

Each state targets one or more qubes, and if you know which qubes you're modifying you can save some time by targetting them specifically.

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --targets=debian-11,ssh-client,ssh-vault state.apply

Note that dom0 is always implicitly targetted by qubesctl (and appears in the output as local). If you know it doesn't need to be updated, you can skip dom0:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=debian-11,ssh-client,ssh-vault state.apply




I personally build the packages on the target platform, because Qubes OS templates make that easy, and it makes sense to me to do it. For now I'll assume you do the same.

For Qubes OS R4.1, that means a Fedora 32 qube. That qube can be completely offline, and it can be disposable.

Tito and rpm-sign

Tito is in charge of building the RPM packages. Make sure it is installed:

# fedora-32

sudo dnf install tito

The entire point of building our own packages is being able to sign them. To do that, rpm-sign must be installed.

# fedora-32

sudo dnf install rpm-sign

Using RPM with Split-GPG

If you use Split-GPG on Qubes OS, some configuration is needed to ensure that RPM tooling can sign the packages. That can be done adding the following to the ~/.rpmmarcos file of the qube where you'll build the packages. (Of course, that qube also needs allow the use of Split GPG.)

# ~/.rpmmacros

# ...

# Use split-GPG. The options are adjusted below.
%__gpg /usr/bin/qubes-gpg-client-wrapper

# Your signing key name would be different:
%_gpg_name Package Signing Key

# Based on the default command defined in /usr/lib/rpm/macros
# Removed the options: --no-armor --no-verbose --no-secmem-warning because qubes-gpg-client-wrapper doesn't support them
# Separated the option -o from -sb because qubes-gpg-client-wrapper was getting confused
%__gpg_sign_cmd                 %{__gpg} \
        gpg \
        %{?_gpg_digest_algo:--digest-algo %{_gpg_digest_algo}} \
        %{?_gpg_sign_cmd_extra_args:%{_gpg_sign_cmd_extra_args}} \
        -u "%{_gpg_name}" -sb -o %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
# ...

Note: you'll export the name of the GPG key as GPG_NAME later on. Both need to match!

Building packages

In order to build packages for a given formula (e.g. the split-SSH formula):

  1. Set the formula version number and the package release number:

    # The name of the Salt formula
    export FORMULA=split-ssh
    # The version of the formula (sources)
    export VERSION=0.8.0
    # The release of the RPM package
    export RELEASE=4
    make release
  2. Commit the changes, create a Git tag for Tito, and a signed tag for sources verification purposes:

    # This uses all the environment variables defined above.
    # The GPG key to verify the sources and sign the RPM packages
    export GPG_NAME="Key ID"
    # The commit message can be whatever you want
    git commit -m "Release ${FORMULA}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}"
    # This tag is required to build the packages with Tito
    git tag qubes-mgmt-salt-user-${FORMULA}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE}
    # Any signed tag would do
    git stag
  3. Build the packages:

    # This uses all the environment variables defined above.
    make packages
  4. The packages will be created in /tmp/tito:

    tree /tmp/tito
    # /tmp/tito/
    # ├── noarch
    # │   └── qubes-mgmt-salt-user-split-ssh-0.8.0-4.fc32.noarch.rpm
    # ├── qubes-mgmt-salt-user-split-ssh-0.8.0-4.fc32.src.rpm
    # ├── qubes-mgmt-salt-user-split-ssh-0.8.0.tar.gz
    # └── qubes-mgmt-salt-user-split-ssh-0.8.0.tar.gz.asc
  5. Unset the environment variables:

    unset FORMULA
    unset VERSION
    unset RELEASE
    unset GPG_NAME

Publishing packages

See 🌳 qubes-packages, a template repository of RPM packages for Qubes OS. That project contains instructions and code to create your own RPM repository and manage it on untrusted infrastructure.



Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the contribution guidelines to get started.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


This project complies with the REUSE initiative recommendations. All files include licensing information, have a companion .license file, or are listed in .reuse/dep5.