
🤵 First Personal Portfolio website


First Portfolio Website

A simple website that I'm using as my portfolio for the time being.

"Alexander Hamilton... my name is Alexander Hamilton... There's a million things I haven't done... but just you wait... just you wait..."

My very first Portfolio website... (Kept thinking to myself "how/why the hell haven't I built one all these years? o.O" - well now I have, lol ). Built with node-sass html5 css3 and a little javascript ES6.

What it is

A simple, reponsive portfolio website. Built with:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla JS - ES6
  • Node Sass
  • Patience - Strictly for the love of coding Mehn!

What it does

  • Display Projects
  • Try to look pretty, simple, and hopefully not too formal.
  • Inform visitors about me
  • Links to All the things
  • Link Back to project Repos and Home Pages (if available)

Learning Points

  • Sass Mixins
  • Sass functions
  • Responsive design & media queries
  • CSS Grid
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Animations/transitions
  • Psuedo Elements


  1. Node sass error

Compiling .scss files with node-sass using the following script in package.json

"scripts": {
    "sass": "node-sass -w scss/ -o dist/css/ --recursive"

produced certain errors on VSCode on windows, specifically =>

  "status": 3,
  "message": "File to read not found or unreadable: C:/Users/Urhiafe Patience/projects/portfolio/scss/main.scss",
  "formatted": "Internal Error: File to read not found or unreadable: C:/Users/Urhiafe Patience/projects/portfolio/scss/main.scss\n"

To fix this, I used a solution I found here, replacing the contents of the node_modules/node-sass/lib/render.js file with this patched file. Started rendering properly afterwards

  1. Overriding CSS

while coding the responsiveness (using media queries defined in the _config and _mobile partials), the css began to overide each other, with css on earlier lines being overridden by css in later lines (something i learnt from jen Simmons) like so =>

main#home h1 {
  // @media small screens
  margin-top: 5vh;
main#home h1 {
  // @media larger screens
  margin-top: 20vh;

So earlier occuring css is overriden in the browser like this => main#home h1 { margin-top: 5vh; } while later css is implemented. Thus to ensure that responsive css is applied by the browser, I imported the _mobile.scss file last in the main.scss file


  • Many thanks to @bradtraversy for his awesome courses - i will not fail you sensei
  • Thanks to @torvalds For Making the world a better place
  • And To anyone reading this... You're awesome!

And remember from here on end... History has it's eyes on you...

Extracted from project README
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