
SCSS starter kit for design systems

MIT License



Barker is an SCSS starter kit for design systems.

It includes:

SCSS is used to generate functions and utility classes from the design tokens. You can either use a set of accessor functions to reference the design tokens or use SCSS variables. Although SCSS functions or variables are used in the code, the final output relies on CSS custom properties (variables). This ensures that only defined variables are used. Themes are created by assigning different values to these CSS custom properties.


This kit cannot be installed and does not include any generators. Instead, clone the repository into your project and adapt it to your needs.

git clone [email protected]:woylie/barker.git
cd barker
rm -rf .github .git
pnpm install


  • build.js: Contains the build configuration for Esbuild, as well as the
    PostCSS configuration and PurgeCSS configuration (disabled by default).
  • style-dictionary.js: Contains the configuration for Style Dictionary. You
    can modify the output formats for the design tokens here. Note that the SCSS
    files depend on the scss output format.


Description Command
Development build (tokens, CSS, JS, etc.) pnpm build:dev
Production build (tokens, CSS, JS, etc.) pnpm build:prod
Watch mode (does not watch Style Dictionary tokens) pnpm build:dev:watch
Build Style Dictionary tokens pnpm build:tokens
Run linters pnpm lint
Fix linter issues pnpm lint:fix
Run Prettier pnpm lint:prettier
Fix Prettier issues pnpm lint:prettier:fix
Run Stylelint pnpm lint:stylelint
Fix Stylelint issues pnpm lint:stylelint:fix

Folder Structure

 build                   # Build artefacts (token definitions, CSS, etc.)
    css                 # CSS output
    tokens              # Token output
        css             # CSS custom properties
        js              # JavaScript
        json            # JSON definitions
        scss            # SCSS mixins and variables
 src                     # Source files
    css                 # Styles
    js                  # JavaScript
    tokens              # Design Tokens

Build Folder

The build folder contains the build artefacts.

 build                   # Build artefacts
    css                 # CSS output
    tokens              # Token output
        css             # CSS custom properties
        js              # JavaScript
        json            # JSON definitions
        scss            # SCSS mixins and variables

CSS Folders

The CSS styles are divided into the layers base, components, layouts, themes, and utilities. More details about each layer can be found in the corresponding _index.scss files.

       base                    # Global base layer
          _animations.scss    # Keyframe animations
          _general.scss       # Global styles
          _index.scss         # Entry point for base layer
          _typography.scss    # Global typography styles
       components              # Components are styled elements
       layouts                 # Layouts arrange components on the page
       themes                  # Place for light/dark themes etc.
       utilities               # Utility classes generated from design tokens
       _extends.scss           # SCSS placeholders for @extend
       _functions.scss         # SCSS functions for using design tokens
       _mixins.scss            # SCSS mixins
       main.scss               # Entry point
