
Compile Sass in Eleventy (11ty) and process it with LightningCSS to minify, prefix, and add future CSS support.


Eleventy Plugin: Sass and LightningCSS

Compile Sass in Eleventy (11ty) and process it with LightningCSS to minify, prefix, and add future CSS support.

Also respects either your package.json browserslist or a .browserslistrc, otherwise the default targets are > 0.2% and not dead.

Review LightningCSS docs to learn more about what future CSS features are supported via syntax lowering, including color functions, media query ranges, logical properties, and more.

Note Requires Eleventy v2 - review upgrade considerations if applying to an existing project.

Interested in using LightningCSS in 11ty without Sass? You'll want my Eleventy LightningCSS plugin instead!


Install the plugin package:

npm install @11tyrocks/eleventy-plugin-sass-lightningcss

Then, include it in your .eleventy.js config file:

const eleventySass = require("@11tyrocks/eleventy-plugin-sass-lightningcss");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  // If you already have a config, add just the following line

⚠️ Important: The files will end up in collections.all and appear in places like RSS feeds where you may be using the "all" collection. To prevent that, a temporary workaround is to create a directory data file to exclude your Sass files.

Place the following in the directory containing your Sass files. As an example, for a directory called css the file would be called css/css.json:

  "eleventyExcludeFromCollections": true

Then, write your Sass using any organization pattern you like as long as it lives within your defined Eleventy input directory.

Note If you are already using PostCSS or Parcel, you will be doubling efforts with this plugin and should not add it.

How does it work?

This plugin uses Eleventy's addTemplateFormats and addExtension features to essentiallly recognize Sass as a first-class templating language, and add custom processing. Since it makes Sass into a templating language, changes are applied during local development hot-reloading without a delay or requiring a manual browser refresh.

The docs actually show the basics of including Sass but this plugin steps it up a notch by adding the processing using LightningCSS. This both minifies, prefixes, and enables transpiling based on your browserslist (or the included default) to gain future-CSS support today, with graceful upgrading as browser support improves.