
🚀 Jekyll Progressive Web App Generator.

ISC License


Jekyll + Google web-starter-kit = best of both worlds


First, install Yeoman and jekyll-starter-kit using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-jekyll-starter-kit

Then generate your new project:

yo jekyll-starter-kit


  • Automagically compile Pug
  • Automagically compile Sass / SCSS
  • Minify HTML
  • Minify and Autoprefixing CSS
  • Awesome image optimization before deploy
  • Enable ES2015 features using Babel
  • Concatenate and minify JavaScript
  • Built-in preview server with BrowserSync
  • Automagically create a service worker file for offline caching
  • Deploy the project to GitHub pages or Firebase with only one command
  • Automagically test your project output on GitHub Actions with html-proofer
  • Test your project against lighthouse and fail GitHub Action with score below 80/100
  • Awesome README file with all instructions and badges - like the pros 😉

Trouble with running the project?

There's could be an issue with Gem package manager and the gems on your local machine. If so, run:

bundle install

For more info about bundle go to Bundler.

Want to help?

Great! Here is how you can install the local generator to test changes.

  1. Git clone your fork locally.
  2. npm install inside the new directory.
  3. npm link - This makes your local system sync with the changes you make
  4. mkdir app
  5. Inside the new directory, initiate yo jekyll-starter-kit
