
A quick start scss based html5 boilerplate for front-end project.


HTML5 SCSS Boilerplate

Clone the repo for your project

git clone

Navigate to project directory

cd html5-scss-boilerplate

Generate style.css file by compiling scss files

sass --watch assets/styles/style.scss:style.css

** For run this command compile all scss styles, you must have to install Ruby Gem and SASS previously in your local machine. **

File architecture

All assets file like images , javascripts , scss including third-party libraries will be in the assets folder. Only markup files ( .html , .php , .rb , .asp ...) and main style sheet ( style.css which will come in after compiling scss files ).

Assets directory difination

  • image/ - Contains all images
  • plugins/ - All third-party libraries like wow.js , animate.css , bootstrap will be here. By default this framework included 4 libraries. They are -
    • Twitter Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
    • Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
    • jquery - Javascript library for make javascript easy
    • JQuery MeanMenu - Jquery plugin for responsive mobile menu.
  • styles/
    • style.scss - Contains all scss pertials
    • abstracts/
      • _functions.scss - This file contains all application-wide Sass functions.
      • _mixins.scss - This file contains all application-wide Sass mixins.
      • _mixins.scss - This file contains all application-wide Sass mixins.
      • _variables.scss - This file contains all application-wide Sass variables.
    • base/
      • _base.scss - This file contains very basic styles.
      • _fonts.scss - This file contains all @font-face declarations, if any.
      • _helpers.scss - This file contains CSS helper classes.
      • _typography.scss - Basic typography style for copy text
    • components/ - This directory will holds your project's components partials scss files such as _buttons.scss , _tab.scss , _accordion.scss ...
    • layout/ - This directory contains all styles of application layouts such as _header.scss , _sidebar.scss etc...
    • pages/ - Page specific scss partials file will be here.
    • themes/ - If your project has several theme , then these theme specified scss pertials will be here.