
Utility to simplify creating importers for node-sass



Utility to simplify creating importers for node-sass. Allows to define how node-sass should process @import directives with custom resources (e.g. json or js files).


var sass = require('node-sass');
var builder = require('node-sass-importer-builder');
var importer = builder(/REGEXP/, function(filepath) {
  return someTransformOperation(filepath);

var result = sass.renderSync({
  file: 'example.scss',
  importer: importer

via Webpack:

var builder = require('node-sass-importer-builder');
var importer = builder(/REGEXP/, function(filepath) {
  return someTransformOperation(filepath);

module.exports = {
  module: {
    loaders: [{
      test: /\.scss$/,
      loaders: ["style", "css", "sass"]

  sassLoader: {
    importer: importer


builder(pattern:RegExp, handler:Function)

  • pattern - regular expression pattern to match importing file.
  • handler(filepath) - function which somehow handles importing file in SASS-compatible data type.
    Invokes with absolute file path as first argument. Function must return string, number, boolean, array, object or null.
    Strings treated as is and becomes a part of final SASS file, so you can include whole files; generate rules, variables,
    mixins and functions here. Other type will be converted in SASS data type and assigned to SASS variable (filename is used as variable name).


Helper to convert javascript value to SASS data type. Taken from rootbeer package.


Javascript importer

For example you need to share screen breakpoints config between javascript components and SCSS stylesheets:

// breakpoints.js
module.exports = {
  xsmall: 0, small: 640,
  medium: 960, large: 1200,
  xlarge: 1440

Here we just calls nodejs require to get configuration object and return it:

var importer = builder(/\.js$/, function(filepath) {
  return require(filepath);

Using this example.scss:

@import "breakpoints.js";

You will get:

$breakpoints: (
  "xsmall": 0,
  "small": 640,
  "medium": 960,
  "large": 1200,
  "xlarge": 1440

YAML importer

var fs   = require('fs');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var builder = require('node-sass-importer-builder');
var yamlImporter = builder(/\.yml$/, function(filepath) {
  return yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'));