
A minimalistic Sass breakpoint library for your next project.

MIT License



A minimalistic Sass breakpoint library for your next project.


npm i sassy-lib

After installation, import the library in your .scss file.

@import './node_modules/sassy-lib/main.scss';

Absolute imports do not work. You need to import it manually.

Library defaults

Default breakpoints:

$breakpoints: (
  xs: 0,
  sm: 640px,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 1024px,
  xl: 1280px,

Default infix separator (more info at the bottom of the page):

$breakpoint-infix-separator: "-";

If you need to overwrite the values, just define the breakpoint in your .scss file and import the library after declaring the breakpoint. Any overwrites must come before importing the library.

$breakpoints: (
  xs: 0,
  sm: 640px,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 1024px,
  xl: 1280px,

@import './node_modules/sassy-lib/main.scss';

// Note: The first value in the $breakpoints map should be 0.


The library provides a breakpoint mixin which accepts 3 args:

  • breakpoint name, for example: sm, md, etc. This is same as your $breakpoints map key.
  • direction, for example: up, down, only. Further explanation provided below.
  • $breakpoints map. The default value is mentioned on top of the page. Even if you need to overwrite the default value, consider creating a separate file for your breakpoints as mentioned above.

The library handles 3 directions, namely:

  • up (min-width)
  • down (max-width)
  • only (min-width and max-width)

To use any of these directions (default is up), you need to include the breakpoint mixin.

@include breakpoint(sm) {
  // your styles
// Same as @media (min-width: 640px) {}

@include breakpoint(sm, down) {
  // your styles
// Same as @media (max-width: 639.98px) {}

@include breakpoint(sm, only) {
  // your styles
// Same as @media (min-width: 640px and max-width: 767.98px) {}

Creating utility classes

Sassy-lib also provides a powerful api called breakpoint-infix that you can use to create your utility classes.

$displays: (
  flex: flex,
  block: block,

// $breakpoints is your key-value pair of breakpoint map

@each $breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) {
  // provided by the library
  $bp-sort: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint);

  @include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
    @each $prop, $value in $displays {
      .#{$bp-sort}#{$prop} {
        display: $value;

// creates
.flex {
  display: flex;

@media (min-width: 640px) {
  .sm-flex {
    display: flex;

// etc
// Note: Please use $bp-sort before declaring your class name.

The default infix separator is "-", but you can overwrite by overwriting the $breakpoint-infix-separator variable.


You can also create Tailwind CSS like classes by overwriting the $breakpoint-infix-separator value to $breakpoint-infix-separator: "\\:", which will generate similar classes.