
A configurable portfolio template allowing you to display your skills, education and projects. Made using React and TypeScript.


Software Engineer Portfolio Template

By Harvey Delaney


When I started working as a Software Engineer, I wanted to create my own (software engineering) portfolio website. I wanted it to display my experience, education, projects and skills. At the time, I wasn't so great at designing websites and looked around for a portfolio template which would help me get started. On Reddit, I found the devportfolio template by Ryan Fitzgerald.

I loved the design, simplicity and customisability of it - it had everything I wanted in a template. So I built my portfolio using the template, which is still live here.

However, as time went on I wanted to add to the portfolio, I was restricted by how it was implemented. I found myself shoehorning new features into the project. So, I decided to create my own portfolio using a more modern stack: React, Typescript and Sass.

I've created this portfolio template primarily for my own benefit - to create my new portfolio website which you can view at: I found that Ryan's portfolio template helped me so much to get started with creating my own portfolio - I hope that this template will provide the same benefit to you!

Although I created this template from scratch, the design of the website is heavily influenced by the template that Ryan has created.

View seng-portfolio live here.


  • Uses (unejected) Create React App
  • Typescript
  • Sass
  • Lightweight
  • No external CSS frameworks used (no bootstrap)
  • Flexbox is used heavily throughout the website
  • Easy customisability through Sass variables and a cetranlised data portfolio location
  • SEO optimsed using react-snap
  • FontAwesome4 + DevIcon available


Getting Started

To start modifying and customising the project to yourself, you'll need to fork the project.

Once you've forked, clone the freshly forked repository.

Run npm i followed by npm start, then navigate to localhost:3000 and you should see the portfolio running with no problems!

A majority of the things you will need to change are in src/components/services/portfolio-data.service.tsx

Refer to Create React App documentation if you encounter any issues running the app. Or refer to the [Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting Information) section

Colours and Font

Most colours used within the app are located within variables.scss, change all the colours to meet your needs.

Global font family/font-sizes etc. are located within App.scss.


Two things can be easily changed here:

  • Landing page image:
    • Simply change the src/assets/images/landing.jpg image
  • Name and title:
    • These are configured in PortfolioDataService under userDetails.


  • Profile picture:
    • Change the src/assets/images/profile-picture.jpg image
  • Title:
    • For now, you'll have to go into the About component and change the title to your name (probably will update)
  • Content
    • Change aboutList in ProfileDataService


Add as many entries as you had jobs to experienceList which match the interface defintion IInfoCard


Similar to Experience, add entries for each education item to educationList which match the interface definition IInfoCard


For each project you have done, fill create an entry in projectList, matching the IProject interface. The taglist (each skill associated with the project) has to be an enum within SkillEnum. More information about skills is here.


I am using two font libraries to render the skill icons:

Skills are being used in two places, in Projects and the Skill Section.

Please refer to SkillMap located in src/components/skill/skill.tsx for all the available skills. If you wish to include another DevIcon skill, you must:

  • Register a new enum value in SkillEnum (src/constants)
  • Add another entry into SkillMap, i.e. [SkillEnum.newSkill, { name: "Skill", icon: "skill" }] where the icon string maps to the value in DevIcon's documentation and the name is what you want the description of the skill to be.
  • (optional) Set the showAsDefault field to false if you don't want to see this skill in the SkillSection (only to be used within portfolios)

To register a new Font Awesome icon skill:

  • Register a new enum value in SkillEnum (src/constants)
  • Add another entry into SkillMap of the form: [SkillEnum.ionic, { name: "Ionic", icon: "", faIcon: "code" }] where the value under faIcon is the icon you want from Font Awesome 4.
  • (optional) Set the showAsDefault field to false if you don't want to see this skill in the SkillSection (only to be used within portfolios)


For each social contact link you want, add an entry to socialIconList. The icons used here are all Font Awesome 4 icons.

Future Features

These are a list of things I might introduce into the project:

  • More animations when the user scrolls to certain sections
  • Add a header with all the sections available in the website. On click of the section, it will auto scrol; to the section

Troubleshooting Information


It seems that react-snap prevents the classes being applied on the landing page - this results in no animations being played after react-snap is run. I'll have to see how I can fix this.


  • If an issue is encountered around running npm start try: npm i -g react-scripts


  • No reported problems


  • No reported problems


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