
A portable cross-platform pinvoke .NET wrapper around libsass to convert SCSS to CSS

BSD-2-CLAUSE License


SharpScss Build Status NuGet

SharpScss is a P/Invoke .NET wrapper around libsass to convert SCSS to CSS.

Based on the version of libsass 3.6.4


  • Pure P/Invoke .NET wrapper, no C++/CLI involved
  • Supports converting from a string or from a file
  • Supports include paths
  • Supports for source maps
  • Supports for libsass user custom importer callback in ScssOptions.TryImport
  • Supports for .NET Standard 2.0+
  • Supports Windows x86, Windows x64, linux-x64 and osx-x64

For older .NET2.0, .NET3.5, .NET4.x+ and netstandard1.3, you need to download the 1.4.0 version.


SharpScss is available on


SharpScss API is simply composed of a main Scss class:

  • Scss.ConvertToCss: to convert a SCSS string to a CSS
var result = Scss.ConvertToCss("div {color: #FFF;}")
  • Scss.ConvertFileToCss: to convert a SCSS file to a CSS
var result = Scss.ConvertFileToCss("test.scss")

Using the ScssOptions you can specify additional parameters:

var result = Scss.ConvertToCss(@"div {color: #FFF;}", new ScssOptions()
	InputFile = "Test.scss",
	OutputFile = "Test.css", // Note: It will not generate the file, 
                             // only used for exception reporting
                             // includes and source maps
	GenerateSourceMap = true

You can use also custom dynamic import through the delegate ScssOptions.TryImport. Note that in that cases ScssOptions.IncludePaths is not used and it is the responsability of the TryImport to perform the resolution (e.g on a virtual file system):

var result = Scss.ConvertToCss(@"@import ""foo"";", new ScssOptions()
	InputFile = "test.scss",
	TryImport = (ref string file, string path, out string scss, out string map) =>
        // Add resolve the file
        // file = resolvedFilePath; // Can change the file resolved
		scss = ...; // TODO: handle the loading of scss for the specified file
		map = null;
		return true;


SharpScss depends on the native runtime libsass. This runtime is compiled for the following platform/runtime:

  • win-x86
  • win-x64
  • linux-x64
  • osx-x64

On .NET Core (netcoreapp), the runtime is selected based on the Runtime Identifier - RID of your project.

  • You can add to your csproj the specific targeting runtimes your netcoreapp with <RuntimeIdentifiers>win-x86;linux-x64</RuntimeIdentifiers> or <RuntimeIdentifier> if you have only one runtime to target (See Additions to the csproj format for .NET Core)


Currently, the compiled version of libsass shipped with SharpScss is a custom build from the fork xoofx/libsass

This fork is mainly allowing to compile libsass without the MSVC C/C++ Runtime on Windows.


This software is released under the BSD-Clause 2 license.


Alexandre Mutel aka xoofx