
Built with Zola, Solid.js and esbuild

MIT License


Built with:

  • Zola - A Static Site Generator, written in Rust
  • TypeScript - Strongly typed language that builds on JavaScript
  • Solid.js - A declarative and efficient JavaScript library for building UIs
  • esbuild - An extremely fast JavaScript bundler
  • SCSS - CSS Preprocessor

Local Environment Setup:

  • You need to install - nodejs >v16 , git and vscode
  • Clone this Repository into your PC and In the cloned directory, use the following commands
npm install       # To install all the project dependencies
npm run develop   # To start a local Dev Server which opens the site directly in the browser

Note: This project uses zola-bin, not the official zola binaries. This makes it easier to develop and deploy.

Similar to every site created using Zola, but adds 2 extra directories - src,bin while not using sass directory

Directory What it contains
bin DevOps - build scripts including code bundling, running zola and building static site
content Content - Markdown files used by the tera templates
src * Json, Sass and TypeScript files that will be sent to static folder during build process
static Files in this are directly copied to output folder during the build/develop process
templates Contains the Tera (Zola templating language) template files

* = The Json files will be used by Templates while sass and ts files will be compiled to css and js and used as static files for the website