
Collection utilities in Scala

MIT License


tarao's collection utilities in Scala Build Status Maven Central

Provide some extension methods and abstractions for collections (Iterables).

Getting started

Add dependency in your build.sbt as the following.

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.github.tarao" %% "collection" % "1.0.0"

The library is available on Maven Central. Currently, supported Scala versions are 2.12, 2.13, and 3.


import com.github.tarao.collection.Implicits._

val s = Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
s.orderBy(Seq(4, 5, 1, 3))(_._2).toVector
// val res0: Vector[(String, Int)] = Vector((d,4), (a,1), (c,3))

After this section, It[A] denotes the type of the original sequence.


distinctBy[E](f: A => E): It[A]

Builds a new sequence from the original sequence without any duplications after applying the transofrmation function f.

val s = Seq(1, 4, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6)
s.distinctBy(_ % 3)
// val res0: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

You don't need this for Seq after Scala 2.13 since it is defined in Seq. It may be still useful when you want to apply it to an Iterable.

split[L, R](implicit eitherOf: A <:< Either[L, R]): (It[L], It[R])

Splits the original sequence into two sequences It[L] and It[R] if the original sequence is of type Either[L, R].

Relation and order

join[B](other: Iterable[B]): Inner[A, B, It]

Makes (inner) join of the original sequence and other. This is analogous to INNER JOIN in SQL.

Two functions f and g passed to on method as on(f, g) on the return value specify association of elements in the two sequence. If element a from the original sequence and element b from other satisfy f(a) == g(b), then the two elements are associated.

The associated pairs can retrieved by result(), into(), toLazyList, or methods of LazyList (map() for example). Elements with no association are simply dropped. The order of the resulting sequence preserves the order of the original sequence.


import com.github.tarao.collection.Implicits._

val s1 = Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4, "e" -> 5)
val s2 = Seq(1 -> 1, 4 -> 16, 3 -> 9, 6 -> 36)

locally {
  // .result() returns associated pairs
  val s = s1.join(s2).on(_._2, _._1).result
  // val s: Seq[((String, Int), (Int, Int))] = List(((a,1),(1,1)), ((c,3),(3,9)), ((d,4),(4,16)))

locally {
  // .into() transforms associated pairs
  val s = s1.join(s2).on(_._2, _._1).into { case (a, b) =>
  // val s: Seq[String] = List(a:1, c:9, d:16)

locally {
  // A method of LazyList can be applied
  val s = s1.join(s2).on(_._2, _._1).map { case (a, b) =>
  // val s: LazyList[String] = LazyList(<not computed>)

leftJoin[B](other: Iterable[B]): Left[A, B, It]

Makes left (outer) join of the original sequence and other. This is analogous to LEFT (OUTER) JOIN in SQL.

Two functions f and g passed to on method with a default value as on(f, g)(default) on the return value specify association of elements in the two sequence. If element a from the original sequence and element b from other satisfy f(a) == g(b), then the two elements are associated.

If there is no b satisfying f(a) == g(b), then the default value is associated with a. The default value can be specified in two forms:

  • on(f, g)(value: B) : (a, value) are associated
  • on(f, g)(h: K => B) : (a, h(f(a))) are associated

The associated pairs can retrieved by result(), into(), toLazyList, or methods of LazyList (map() for example). Elements in other with no association are simply dropped. The order of the resulting sequence preserves the order of the original sequence.


val s1 = Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4, "e" -> 5)
val s2 = Seq(1 -> 1, 4 -> 16, 3 -> 9, 6 -> 36)

locally {
  // .result() returns associated pairs
  val s = s1.leftJoin(s2).on(_._2, _._1)(0 -> 0).result
  // val s: Seq[((String, Int), (Int, Int))] = List(((a,1),(1,1)), ((b,2),(0,0)), ((c,3),(3,9)), ((d,4),(4,16)), ((e,5),(0,0)))

locally {
  // .into() transforms associated pairs
  val s = s1.leftJoin(s2).on(_._2, _._1)(0 -> 0).into { case (a, b) =>
  // val s: Seq[String] = List(a:1, b:0, c:9, d:16, e:0)

locally {
  // A method of LazyList can be applied
  val s = s1.leftJoin(s2).on(_._2, _._1)(0 -> 0).map { case (a, b) =>
  // val s: LazyList[String] = LazyList(<not computed>)

orderBy[B](ordered: Seq[B])(implicit keyOf: A => B): LazyList[A]

Reorders the original sequence according to some other ordered sequence using mapping keyOf. If element a in the original sequence has no counterpart keyOf(a) in ordered, then it is dropped.


val s = Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
s.orderBy(Seq(4, 5, 1, 3))(_._2).toVector
// val res0: Vector[(String, Int)] = Vector((d,4), (a,1), (c,3))

totallyOrderBy[B](ordered: Seq[B])(default: B => A)(implicit keyOf: A => B): LazyList[A]

Reorders the original sequence according to some other ordered sequence using mapping keyOf. If element a in the original sequence has no counterpart keyOf(a) in ordered, then it is dropped. If element b in ordered has no counterpart a satisfying keyOf(a) == b, then default(b) is used for the position of b in ordered to fill the resulting elements.


val s = Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3, "d" -> 4)
s.totallyOrderBy(Seq(4, 5, 1, 3))(x => "_" -> x)(_._2).toVector
// val res0: Vector[(String, Int)] = Vector((d,4), (_,5), (a,1), (c,3))


Refill provides an abstraction to retrieve elements in small pieces of chunk, with filtering the elements, and refill up if there is insufficient amount of elements.

Basically, there are two ways of using Refill, which can be mixed.

  1. Retrieving elements in small pieces of chunk.

    Assume that n is quite large and chunkSize is small. The following forms execute the block multiple times until the total amount of elements reaches to n:

    Refill.from(start).chunked(chunkSize) { (m, cursor) =>
      /* Calling some method that returns no less than `m` elements */


    Refill.from(start) { (m, cursor) =>
      /* Calling some method that returns no less than `m` elements */

    A typical usage of this is to read records from database, where you might not want to read the large number of records at once.

  2. Refilling after filtering.

    The following form executes the block multiple times until the total amount of elements reaches to n even if filter drops some elements:

    Refill.from(start) { (m, cursor) =>
      /* Calling some method that returns no less than `m` elements */
    }.filter(/* condition */).take(n)

    A typical usage of this is to implement a list page with some hidden items that can navigate to the next page. Refill will maintain a cursor for the navigation for you.

The latter form lacks chunked() call but there is some internal chunk size automatically decided to be something larger than n. Two forms are special cases of the following form.

Refill.from(start).chunked(chunkSize) { (m, cursor) =>
  /* Calling some method that returns no less than `m` elements */
}.filter(/* condition */).take(n)

Moreover, there are some other filtering methods and selecting methods. The overall general form is the following.

Filling block

{ (m, cursor) =>
  /* Calling some method that returns no less than `m` elements */

The filling block fills elements for a single chunk, taking the number of elements m and cursor to start with in the chunk. It may be called multiple times until the total number of elements reaches to the size specified by the selecting method.

Note that you MUST return no less than m elements unless there is no more elements. If you return less than m elements, Refill stops refilling and marks that it reached to the end of the element list.

Filtering methods

The following methods taken from LazyList is available.

  • distinct
  • distinctBy
  • drop
  • dropRight
  • dropWhile
  • filter
  • filterNot

Selecting methods

Selecting method take or takeWithNextCursor must be called at the end of the form. take(n) just takes n elements and takeWithNextCursor(n) returns a tuple of n elements and a cursor. The cursor can be passed to next call of Refill.from() to retrieve more elements.

val (elements, nextCursor) = Refill.from(start) { ... }.takeWithNextCursor(n)
val (moreElements, _) = Refill.from(nextCursor) { ... }.takeWithNextCursor(n)

Cursor types

There are two types of cursor Offset and Cursor.


Offset provides an abstraction of offset-based refilling.

import com.github.tarao.collection.{Refill, Offset}

val offset: Int = ...
val start = Offset(offset)

val n: Int = ...
val (elements, nextOffset) =
  Refill.from(start) { (m, offset) =>

Offset() takes an integer and returns a cursor that can be passed to Refill.from(). In this case, the second parameter of filling block is offset: Int. takeWithNextCursor(n) returns Offset(0) if there is no more element.

If you are not using filtering methods, nextOffset should be Offset(n) since you have already taken n elements. But with filtering methods, this is not the case. For example, if you dropped three elements, then nextOffset will be Offset(n+3).


Cursor provides an abstraction of cursors that calculated from ingredients of elements, i.e., it uses some factory method of type ElementType => CursorType.

import com.github.tarao.collection.{Refill, Cursor}

type ElementType = ...
type CursorType = ...

def factory(element: ElementType): CursorType = ...

val maybeCursor: Option[CursorType] = ...
val start = Cursor(maybeCursor)(factory)

val n: Int = ...
val (elements, nextCursor) =
  Refill.from(start) { (m, cursor) =>

Cursor() takes two arguments: the cursor value Option[CursorType], where None indicates the very beginning, and the factory method. The second parameter of filling block is cursor: CursorType. takeWithNextCursor(n) returns Cursor(None)(factory) if there is no more element.

Typically, CursorType is a lexicographical ordering of pairs of a timestamp and some ID [^1], where we are thinking about some timeline. For example, suppose we have some Entity with numeric ID and a timestamp as ElementType. Then we can define factory as follows:

type Value = ...
case class Entity(id: Long, value: Value, createdAt: DateTime)

type ElementType = Entity
type CursorType = (DateTime, Long)
def factory(element: ElementType): CursorType = (element.createdAt,

The ordering (ascending or descending) depends on how you define the filling block. Note that nextCursor returned by takeWithNextCursor(n) and cursor passed to the filling block in each chunk are calculated by one past the last element. In other words, the semantics of the cursor is "inclusive".

[^1]: You should not use a timestamp itself as a cursor because there can be the same timestamp for different elements.


  • Copyright (C) INA Lintaro et al.
  • MIT License
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