
A simple purely functional engine to evaluate rules

APACHE-2.0 License



A lightweight, simple, typed, and functional rules engine evaluator using the Cats core.

How to import

eRules supports Scala 2.13 and 3


  libraryDependencies += "com.github.geirolz" %% "erules-core" % "0.1.2"


  • Rule: the definition of a rule, the check is pure and can be async. Each Rule must have a description. Each rule can have a targetInfo that is a string that describes the rule check target.
  • RuleVerdict: Is the verdict of a rule, can be Allow, Deny or Ignore. Each kind of verdict can have 0 or more reasons.
  • RuleResult: The rule result is just a case class to couple the Rule with its result RuleVerdict and some other information like the execution time.
  • EngineVerdict: Same as RuleVerdict but related to the whole engine. Can be Allowed or Denied

How to use

Given these data classes

case class Country(value: String)
case class Age(value: Int)

case class Citizenship(country: Country)
case class Person(
  name: String,
  lastName: String,
  age: Age,
  citizenship: Citizenship

Assuming we want to check:

  • The person is an adult
  • The person has UK citizenship

Let's write the rules!

Each Rule must have a unique name and can be:

  • Pure: a pure function that takes a value and returns a RuleVerdict
  • Effect-ful: a function that takes a value and returns a F[RuleVerdict] where F is a monad.

There are several ways to define a rule:

  • apply: defines a complete rule from T to F[RuleVerdict] ( or Id for Pure Rules)
  • matchOrIgnore: defines a partial function from T to F[RuleVerdict] ( or Id for Pure Rules). If the function is not defined for the input value, the rule is ignored.
  • const: defines a rule that always returns the same RuleVerdict (e.g. Allow or Deny)
  • failed: defines a rule that always fails with an exception
  • assert: defines a rule from T to F[Boolean] ( or Id for Pure Rules) and returns Allow for true or Deny for false
  • assertNot: defines a rule from T to F[Boolean] ( or Id for Pure Rules) and returns Allow for false or Deny for true
  • fromBooleanF: defines a rule from T to F[Boolean] ( or Id for Pure Rules) where you can specify the behavior for true and false values.
import erules.Rule
import erules.PureRule
import erules.RuleVerdict.*
import cats.Id

val checkCitizenship: PureRule[Citizenship] =
  Rule("Check UK citizenship") {
    case Citizenship(Country("UK")) => Allow.withoutReasons
    case _ => Deny.because("Only UK citizenship is allowed!")
// checkCitizenship: PureRule[Citizenship] = RuleImpl(<function1>,RuleInfo(Check UK citizenship,None,None))

val checkAdultAge: PureRule[Age] =
  Rule("Check Age >= 18") {
    case a: Age if a.value >= 18 => Allow.withoutReasons
    case _ => Deny.because("Only >= 18 age are allowed!")
// checkAdultAge: PureRule[Age] = RuleImpl(<function1>,RuleInfo(Check Age >= 18,None,None))

val allPersonRules: NonEmptyList[PureRule[Person]] = NonEmptyList.of(
// allPersonRules: NonEmptyList[PureRule[Person]] = NonEmptyList(RuleImpl(scala.Function1$$Lambda$12770/0x000000080343ed50@4f3549e4,RuleInfo(Check UK citizenship,None,Some(citizenship))), RuleImpl(scala.Function1$$Lambda$12770/0x000000080343ed50@5c9b046d,RuleInfo(Check Age >= 18,None,Some(age))))

N.B. Importing even the erules-generic you can use a macro to auto-generate the target info using the contramapTarget method. contramapTarget applies contramap and derives the target info by the contramap parameter. The contramap parameter must be inline and have the following form:

Once we define rules, we just need to create the RuleEngine to evaluate those rules.

We can run the engine in two ways:

  • denyAllNotAllowed: to deny all is not explicitly allowed.
  • allowAllNotDenied: to allow all is not explicitly denied.

Moreover, we can choose to run the engine in a pure way( with pure rules ) or in a monadic way (e.g. IO) using:

  • seqEvalPure: to run the engine in a pure way with pure rules.
  • seqEval: to sequentially run the engine in a monadic way.
  • parEval: to parallel run the engine in a monadic way.
  • parEvalN: to parallel run the engine in a monadic way with a fixed parallelism level.
import erules.*
import erules.implicits.*
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.*

val person: Person = Person("Mimmo", "Rossi", Age(16), Citizenship(Country("IT")))
// person: Person = Person(Mimmo,Rossi,Age(16),Citizenship(Country(IT)))

val result: IO[EngineResult[Person]] =
    .withRules[Id, Person](allPersonRules)
// result: IO[EngineResult[Person]] = IO(...)

// res0: String = ###################### ENGINE VERDICT ######################
// Data: Person(Mimmo,Rossi,Age(16),Citizenship(Country(IT)))
// Rules: 2
// Interpreter verdict: Denied
// ------------ Check UK citizenship for citizenship -----------
// - Rule: Check UK citizenship
// - Description: 
// - Target: citizenship
// - Execution time: *not measured*
// - Verdict: Right(Deny)
// - Because: Only UK citizenship is allowed!
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------ Check Age >= 18 for age -----------------
// - Rule: Check Age >= 18
// - Description: 
// - Target: age
// - Execution time: *not measured*
// - Verdict: Right(Deny)
// - Because: Only >= 18 age are allowed!
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ############################################################
