
Google Safe Browsing v2 library for Scala / Java

APACHE-2.0 License


Google Safebrowsing API v2 for Scala and Java

This project implements the Google Safebrowsing API v2 and the Google Safebrowsing Lookup API in Scala. It also works with Yandex Safebrowsing API.

See Zscaler blog post for other implementations and notes

Usage in Scala

Safe Browsing API

	val apikey = "123456"
	val dburl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/googlesafebrowsing2"
	val tablePrefix = "gsb2_"
	val storage = new MySQL(LiteDataSource.driverManager(dburl, "user", "pass"), tablePrefix)
	val sb2 = new SafeBrowsing2(apikey, storage)
	// uses Google database by default, you can use Yandex like this:
	// val sb2 = new SafeBrowsing(apikey, storage, "yandex")
	// update database
	val forceUpdate = false
	val useMac = false
	val secondsToWaitBeforeNextUpdate = sb2.update("", forceUpdate, useMac)
	// lookup url in database
	val list = "" // lookup in all lists
	val listMatch = sb2.lookup("", list, useMac)
	listMatch match {
	  case Some(list) => println("Match found in list: " + list)
	  case None => println("No match found")

Lookup API

	val resp = new Lookup(apikey).lookup(Array("", ""))
	resp.foreach(a => {
	  println(a._1 + " -> " + a._2)

Outputs: -> ok -> malware

Usage in Java

Safe Browsing API

	String apikey = "123456";
	String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/googlesafebrowsing2";
	String tablePrefix = "gsb2_";
	Storage storage = JavaHelper.buildStorageMySQL(url, "user", "password", tablePrefix);
	SafeBrowsing2 sb2 = new SafeBrowsing2(apikey, storage);
	// update the database
	boolean forceUpdate = false;
	boolean useMac = false;
	String[] updateLists = null; // update all lists
	int wait = sb2.update(updateLists, forceUpdate, useMac);
	System.out.println("Seconds to wait before next update: " + wait);
	// lookup url in database
	String[] lookupLists = null; // lookup in all lists
	String match = sb2.jlookup("", lookupLists, useMac);
	if (match != null)
		System.out.println("Match found in list: " + match);

Lookup API

	Lookup lookup = new Lookup(apikey, "appname");
	Map<String, String> r = lookup.jlookup(new String[]{""}, 0);
	for (String key : r.keySet()) {
		System.out.println(key + " -> " + r.get(key));

Test URLs

The follow URLs are used to test Safe Browsing API:




Database support

The following databases are currently supported:

  • MySQL
  • MS SQL

New Storage classes can be added by extending the class or the trait.


  • slf4j-api-1.6
  • joda-time-1.6.2
  • scala-http-client-1.0
  • Apache httpclient-4.1
  • Apache httpcore-4.1
  • Apache commons-codec-1.4
  • scala-library-2.11
