
Predicting Heart Failure using Ensemble Learning with Spark



Objective :

Our objective in this paper is to be able to automatically predict whether or not a given patient is likely to suffer from heart failure (Congestive Heart Failure) in the near future given his medical history.

Methods :

To achieve this, we use medical records of more than 10,000 patients from the ExactData dataset to construct features based on Diagnoses, Risk Factors, Medication History, and Laboratory Test history in a five-year window. Then, we train classifiers using ensemble machine learning methods, mainly bagging with logistic regression and random forests. We then use k-fold cross-validation to evaluate performance and choose classifier parameters using the ML pipeline framework in Spark.

Results :

We were able to achieve an accuracy of over 98% in a testing set consisting of 50% of individuals who did not suffer from this disease and 50% of individuals who were diagnosed with heart failure, while maintaining a low false negative rate.

Conclusion :

We have excellent results with the confusion matrix; we sit back and discuss them by considering potential bias from the data set.


Dependencies :

Spark 1.3.0
Spark MLlib
Spark ML(High level API for machine learning pipelines)
Amazon Web Service

Compile & Run :

I) Navigate to cse8803 folder

II) Put the big data set in data/GeorgiaTech_DS1_CSV/

III) Clean the big data set:

  1. execute python27 regex.py encounter.csv then replace encounter.csv with regexOut.csv
  2. execute python27 regex.py encounter_outpatient.csv then replace encounter_outpatient.csv with regexOut.csv

IV) Execute

sbt/sbt compile package assembly
~/spark/bin/spark-submit --class edu.gatech.cse8803.main.Main --master "local[*]" target/scala-2.10/cse8803_project-assembly-1.0.jar big
On Windows:
sbt compile  package assembly
C:\spark\bin\spark-submit --class edu.gatech.cse8803.main.Main --master "local[*]" target/scala-2.10/cse8803_project-assembly-1.0.jar big


If you want to launch it on a AWS cluster:

~/spark/bin/spark-submit --class edu.gatech.cse8803.main.Main --master "spark://ec2-52-1-230-43.compute-1.amazonaws.com:7077"   --deploy-mode cluster  target/scala-2.10/cse8803_project-assembly-1.0.jar big