
A scala library for flexible JSON interfaces

MIT License


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Lasic is a small Scala library that allows you to generate JSON serialization on the fly. If you're coming from a functional background, lasic may make more sense described as "runtime lenses converted to JSON". Rather than having to write separate APIs to return different fields of the same object, lasic allows the UI (or anyone else) to request both the fields and pagination they want. It's also completely type safe, verified at compile time, and doesn't use reflection. Here's a quick example:

case class User(name: String, bio: String, email: String)
def allUsers: List[User]

Suppose users had really prolific bios and you didn't want to send them to the UI when the UI only wanted the user's name. Rather than needing to create a separate endpoint, lasic defines a simple query language to allow the UI to request exactly the fields it wants:

// Just the name an email, no bio

It also includes control for pagination:

// Get the name and email for up to 10 users, starting at the 5th

With these queries, lasic will generate the specific JSON requested by the UI with almost no boilerplate.

Quick Start

Add lasic as a dependency:

  • For SBT:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.rcoh" % "lasic_2.11" % "0.2.0"
  • For Maven:

Take your class:

case class User(name: String, email: String, bio: String, friends: List[Friend], internalId: Int)

Annotate the fields you want to expose to the UI:

import com.github.rcoh.query.loaders.{Expose, ExposeAlways, Loadable}
case class User(@Expose name: String, @ExposeAlways email: String, @Expose bio: String, @Expose friends: List[User], internalId: Int)

Generate Loadable[User]:

implicit val userLoadable = Loadable.byAnnotations[User]

Render some Json:

import com.github.rcoh.query.lang.QueryParser
import com.github.rcoh.query.render.Renderer
// Get the users name, email, and the name of their first 5 friends
val user: User = User("Alice", "[email protected]", "My bio", List(User("bob", "[email protected]",  "bob", List(), internalId = 0)), internalId = 1)
// In reality, you'd want to handle the possibility of a ParseError
val query = QueryParser.parse("[name,friends[name]*5]").right.get

import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
println(pretty(render(Renderer.render(user, query))))
  "email":"[email protected]",
    "email":"[email protected]"

The email field appears even though we didn't request it because it's set to ExposeAlways. Note how the renderer properly handles the fact that friends is a list and correctly extracts fields.

But wait: there's more!

  • For cases where you want all the fields:
// As if you put `@ExposeAlways` on each field (not method!!)
implicit val allFieldsLoader = Loadable.allFieldsAlways[User]

// As if you put `@Expose` on each field
implicit val byRequest = Loadable.allFieldsByRequest[User]
  • Lasic also works for traits, normal classes, and objects. It even works if the annotated fields come from different places:
trait Entity {
   def id: String

trait UserEntity extends Entity {
   def email: String
   def age: Int

General Usage

In general, you'll want to wire up the rendering layer wherever in your webserver you are converting things to JSON to avoid code duplication. The only requirement is that the argument to the render method must be a member of the Loadable typeclass (def foo[A: Loadable](a: A))

Under the Hood

Lasic uses macros to build accesors for fields marked with @Expose and @ExposeAlways. The macro brings classes into the type class Loadable[T]. The macro also verifies that all exposed members of a given class are also Loadable[T]. Given a Loadable[T] the renderer parses the query string and builds the JSON object.