
Scala utilities for working with data from


nomisma library for numismatic data

nomisma is a cross-platform library for working with freely available numismatic data from It defines classes that can read the RDF data formats used by, and build objects modeling numismatic concepts like issues, mints, and hoards.

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Current version: 3.1.2.

Status: in active development. Release notes

Current models implemented in Scala are based on content of the Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH) and on the Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE).

Data files

A note on OCRE data

The file cex/ocre.cex formats data for more than 50,000 issues of Roman imperial coins in OCRE in a single delimited-text table, built by parsing While the resulting .cex file is just over 19 Mb and can be easily loaded by the library's Ocre object on a modest consumer-level laptop, the RDF source was more than 150 Mb. If you wish to verify or update the data, you can parse the RDF source with the OcreRdf object, but will need to ensure that your scala environment has enough memory for an in-memory parse. To start an sbt console session, for example, you could use:

SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx4096M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024M" sbt



GPL 3.0

Using, building, testing

nomisma is compiled for both the JVM and ScalaJS using Scala version 2.12. Binaries for all platforms are available from jcenter.

If you are using sbt, include Resolver.jcenterRepo in your list of resolvers

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo

and add this to your library dependencies:

"edu.holycross.shot.cite" %%% "nomisma" % VERSION

For maven, ivy or gradle equivalents, refer to

nomisma is built using sbt. To build from source and test, use normal sbt commands (compile, test ...)