
A value class for non-empty collections in Scala

MIT License


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A type to statically guaranteeing or requring non-emptiness of lists.

Getting started

Add dependency in your build.sbt as the following.

For Scala 2.11 and 2.12 :

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.github.tarao" %% "nonempty" % "0.0.8"

For Scala 2.13 :

    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.github.tarao" %% "nonempty" % "0.2.0"

The library is available on Maven Central.

Use case

Guaranteeing non-emptiness

Type NonEmpty[A] denotes that it is a non-empty list whose elements are of type A. There are only two ways to instantiate a NonEmpty[A]:

  • calling NonEmpty.apply, which takes at least one argument, or
  • calling NonEmpty.fromIterable, which returns Option[NonEmpty[_]].

For example, calling NonEmpty.apply with one or two arguments is legal but calling it with zero arguments is illegal.

import com.github.tarao.nonempty.NonEmpty

val one = NonEmpty(1)
val two = NonEmpty(1, 2)
val zero = NonEmpty() // Compile error

NonEmpty.fromIterable takes an Iterable[_] with an arbitrary number of elements. In this case, the return type is Option[NonEmpty[_]] and its value is None if you passed an empty Iterable[_].

val s: Seq[Int] = ...
val maybeEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int]] = NonEmpty.fromIterable(s)

val Some(nonempty) = NonEmpty.fromIterable(Seq(1, 2, 3))

val None = NonEmpty.fromIterable(Seq())

If you pass a mutable collection to NonEmpty.fromIterable then the elements of the collection are copied. Otherwise, NonEmpty holds the original (immutable) collection.

Requring non-empty lists

When you require an argument to be non-empty, then you just have to define a method which takes a NonEmpty[_].

def requiresNonEmpty(ne: NonEmpty[Int]) = ...

Then it is the caller of the method who is obliged to pass a non-empty list. The caller may need a pattern matching if there is no guarantee that the list isn't empty.

requiresNonEmpty(NonEmpty(1, 2, 3))

val s: Seq[Int] = ...
val maybeEmpty = NonEmpty.fromIterable(s)
maybeEmpty match {
  case Some(ne) => requiresNonEmpty(ne)
  case _        => ... /* do something else */

If you allow an empty list by providing a default value, then you can define a method which takes an Option[NonEmpty[_]]. In this case, you need a pattern matching inside the method.

def acceptsEmpty(maybeEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int]]) =
  maybeEmpty match {
    case Some(ne) => requiresNonEmpty(ne)
    case None     => ... /* provide a default value */

val s: Seq[Int] = ...

Note that it is possible to pass an Iterable[A] as an argument of type Option[NonEmpty[A]] because there is an implicit conversion from Iterable[A] to Option[NonEmpty[A]] for any A.

Preserving nonemptiness

Some collection methods such as map() preserve non-emptiness. The methods are those which are directly defined in class NonEmpty[_].

val ne: NonEmpty[Int] = NonEmpty(1, 2, 3).map(x => x * x)

Breaking non-emptiness

You can freely convert a NonEmpty[_] into an Iterable[_].

val list: Iterable[Int] = NonEmpty(1, 2, 3)

You can also call any collection method which does not preserve non-emptiness. If the method returns a collection then the type of the collection is Iterable[_].

val ne: NonEmpty[Int] = ...
val list: Iterable[Int] = ne.filter(_ % 2 == 0)

These methods are called via an implicit conversion from NonEmpty[A] to Iterable[A].

Specific non-empty collection types (requires >= 0.2.0)

Above examples describe how you can give non-emptiness to an Iterable[A]. You can also make an arbitrary C <: Iterable[A] non-empty. There is a type collection.NonEmpty[A, C] for this.

import com.github.tarao.nonempty.collection.NonEmpty

// implicit
val maybeNonEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int, Vector[Int]]] = Vector(1, 2, 3)
// => maybeNonEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int, Vector[Int]]] = Some(Vector(1, 2, 3))

// explicit
val Some(ne) = NonEmpty.from(Vector(1, 2, 3))
// => ne: NonEmpty[Int, Vector[Int]] = Vector( 1, 2, 3)

Note that these new interface only works with immutable collections. Passing a mutable collection is statically accepted but result in None. You should make it immutable before marking it as non-empty.

val maybeEmpty = NonEmpty.from(mutable.ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3))
// => maybeEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]]] = None

val maybeEmpty = NonEmpty.from(mutable.ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3).toIndexedSeq)
// => maybeEmpty: Option[NonEmpty[Int, IndexedSeq[Int]]] = Some(Vector(1, 2, 3))

There is also a direct constructor for specific non-empty collections. The returned collection value is always immutable.

val nel = NonEmpty[List[Int]](1, 2, 3)
// => nel: NonEmpty[Int, List[Int]] = List(1, 2, 3)

val nes = NonEmpty[Set[String]]("foo", "bar")
// => nes: NonEmpty[String, Set[String]] = Set(foo, bar)


  • Copyright (C) INA Lintaro
  • MIT License