
Scalable parallel computer simulator

MIT License


The Parallang Simulator

What is this?

The Parallang Simulator is a scalable platform-independent solution to simulate parallel message-passing algorithms and evaluate their relative costs.

Key features:

  • Parallang DSL: The simulator is equipped with a strongly typed interpreted programming language with a C-like syntax called Parallang. Parallang is a portmanteau of "parallel" and "language."
  • Messages: Through simple send x -> worker i, j and recv x <- worker i, j instructions, parallel algorithms on the simulator can send messages between processors. Message forwarding is implicitly performed, and the costs are modeled.
  • Data cache model: The simulator can use an arbitrary user-specified data cache hierarchy. Programmed replacement strategies include LRU, tree-PLRU, and NLU.
  • Latency and memory estimates: The system estimates running time and tracks memory usage throughout program execution, providing the user with this information at the end.
  • Communication environments: A modular parameter set system can define communication costs, modeling anything from a multicore system-on-chip to a platform distributed over the internet.
  • Events system: Latency and memory are tracked through events emitted throughout program execution. Users can add real-time event listeners to process these and gauge metrics of interest.
  • Output visualization and graph compression: Several Jupyter Notebooks provide graph compression and evaluation graph functionality to visualize the simulator's output.

What is a parallel algorithm?

To answer this, let's define the parallel computer abstraction. Conceptually, a parallel computer is a group of processing elements (PEs) linked together in a message-passing topology. Each PE executes a sequential algorithm independently and may send data directly to any connected PEs during execution: we call this a message.

A parallel algorithm is any algorithm that uses some coordination technique, such as message-passing, to distribute computation tasks over PEs and achieve higher aggregate performance than its sequential counterpart.


These tutorials assume you have a Parallang program you want to run. If you do not, write one! See the sample code below and in src/main/parallang.

Defining a simple simulation: a bus topology

A simulation is defined in Scala using a straightforward API. Before any simulation, you must set the number of PEs and define the connections. PEs are assumed to be arranged in a 2D grid for ease of use.


object TutorialSimulation {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val pathToProgram = ...

        // Set up a 10x1 topology: a bus!
        InterconnectionNetwork.resetLengthWidth(10, 1)
        for (i <- 0 until 9) {
            InterconnectionNetwork.addLink((i, 1), (i+1, 1))
            InterconnectionNetwork.addLink((i+1, 1), (i, 1))


Changing the parameter set

By default, the Parallang Simulator uses the MulticoreComputer parameter set. Other parameter sets, such as Datacenter or HighPowerInternet, can be used. Users may also define their own by extending the LatencyParameterSet trait.

import{InterconnectionNetwork, HighPowerInternet}


Defining an event listener


Defining a cache hierarchy


Communicating with a running program


Sample code in Parallang

Here is an implementation of the Fox-Otto algorithm for solving APSP.

fn foxs_general(a: array[array[int]], b: array[array[int]], c: array[array[int]], maxIt: int) -> array[array[int]] {
    var southNeighbor: int = mod(myX+1, q);
    var northNeighbor: int = mod(myX+q-1, q);

    var p: array[array[int]] = array[array[int]](len(a), array[int](len(a[0]), 0));
    var pPrev: array[array[int]] = array[array[int]](len(a), array[int](len(a[0]), 0));

    for (var r: int = 0; r < len(a); r = r + 1) {
        for (var c: int = 0; c < len(a[0]); c = c + 1) {
            p[r][c] = c+scaleFactor_global*myY;
            pPrev[r][c] = c+scaleFactor_global*myY;

    for (var r: int = 0; r < len(a); r = r + 1) {
        for (var col: int = 0; col < len(a[0]); col = col + 1) {
            c[r][col] = a[r][col];
            if (a[r][col] != inf) {
                p[r][col] = r+scaleFactor_global*myX;
                pPrev[r][col] = r+scaleFactor_global*myX;

    for (var it: int = 0; it < maxIt; it = it + 1) {
        for (var k: int = 0; k < q; k = k + 1) {
            var bCastProc: int = mod(myX+k, q);
            if (myX == 0) {
            if (bCastProc == myY) {
                send a -> broadcast_row;
                matSquareWithPredecessor(a, b, c, p, pPrev);
            } else {
                recv[array[array[int]]] tempBlock <- worker myX, bCastProc;
                matSquareWithPredecessor(tempBlock, b, c, p, pPrev);
            send b -> worker northNeighbor, myY;
            send pPrev -> worker northNeighbor, myY;
            recv b <- worker southNeighbor, myY;
            recv pPrev <- worker southNeighbor, myY;

        var temp: array[array[int]] = pPrev;
        pPrev = p;
        p = temp;

        for (var r: int = 0; r < len(a); r = r + 1) {
            for (var col: int = 0; col < len(a[0]); col = col + 1) {
                p[r][col] = pPrev[r][col];
                a[r][col] = c[r][col];
        b = a;


This code was produced for my undergraduate dissertation for the Computer Science tripos at the University of Cambridge: "Evaluation of parallel routing algorithms."

I examined five parallelizations of solutions to the all-pairs shortest paths problem: Cannon's algorithm and the Fox-Otto algorithm for min-plus matrix exponentiation, the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, the distance vector algorithm, and the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The simulator was created to accomplish analysis at scale and be free of the variability in the underlying host computer. My results used road-network datasets and demonstrated that superlinear speedup could be achieved for the first three, that the Bellman-Ford algorithm was the fastest, and that the distance vector algorithm is abysmally inefficient.

My supervisor was Dr Jagdish Modi, who suggested the project. I achieved a high class I mark on this project.