
Make it more convenient to use Retrofit with Play Framework

MIT License


Play + Retrofit

Retrofit is an amazing HTTP client scaffolding library. For more information about Retrofit checkout, Square Retrofit.


The aim of this project is to make it more convenient to use Retrofit with the Play Framework.

Retrofit supports the notion of non-blocking HTTP requests through retrofit.Callback<T>. The goal of this project is to make it really easy to expose a scala wrapper that returns a scala.concurrent.Future[T] while also using Play Framework's WS library.


Let's say, we have the Retrofit HTTP interface defined:

public interface GitHub {
  static class Contributor {
    String login;
    int contributions;
  void contributors(@Path("owner") String owner, @Path("repo") String repo, Callback<List<Contributor>> callback);

You can now expose a more convenient scala interface that looks like:

class GitHubWrapper(github: GitHub)(implicit context: ExecutionContext) {
  def contributors(owner: String, repo: String): Future[util.List[Contributor]] = {
    val callback = new WSCallback[util.List[Contributor]]()
    github.contributors(owner, repo, callback)
    callback.future map {
      case WSResult(result: util.List[Contributor], retrofitResponse: Response) => result

For more details check-out the java and scala examples.