
Learning how to make RISC-V 32bit CPU with Chisel

MIT License


RISC-V 32bit CPU written in Chisel

RISC-V 32bit CPU written in Chisel. This project is for my learning purpose to understand how to design/implement hardware with Chisel and what RISC-V architecture is. Working in progress.


This repository was imported from chisel-template@f5f33c6.


Clone this repository:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/rhysd/riscv32-cpu-chisel.git

Build Docker image for RISC-V GNU toolchain and Scala toolchain:

docker build . -t riscv/mycpu

Start an interactive shell with mounting this repository:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app riscv/mycpu

Generate Verilog sources

Verilog sources can be generated from Chisel sources via sbt run:

make ./c/fib.hex # Make hex dump of memory image of program to run
make verilog MEMORY_HEX_FILE_PATH=./c/fib.hex # Generate Verilog sources
cat ./verilog/Top.v



To run all tests in riscv-tests:

make riscv-tests

Outputs of tests are stored in riscv-tests-results directory.

To run a specific test case in riscv-tests (when running rv32ui-p-addi test case):

make ./riscv-tests-results/rv32ui-p-addi.out

C tests

To run all tests with C sources in c/ directory:

make c-tests

Outputs of tests are stored in c-tests-results directory.

To run a specific test case in c-tests (when running fib.c test case):

make ./c-tests-results/fib.out

Rust tests

To run all tests with Rust sources in rust/ directory:

make rust-tests

Outputs of tests are stored in rust-tests-results directory.

To run a specific test case in rust-tests (when running fib test case):

make ./rust-tests-results/fib.out

Run tests with the uploaded Docker image

Run docker run with the uploaded Docker image.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app --workdir /app -t rhysd/riscv-cpu-chisel:latest make riscv-tests


Distributed under the MIT license.