
A port of Bryan O'Sullivan's attoparsec from Haskell to Scala


scala-attoparsec is a port of Bryan O'Sullivan's attoparsec library from Haskell to Scala.

scala-attoparsec is released under a BSD open source licence

The source code for scala-attoparsec is hosted on GitHub:

Snapshots and Releases published to the Maven repository at

Build Instructions

The root directory of the project contains the SBT launcher, shell script, and Windows command script.

This is the directory structure of the build.

|- project + | |-build + | | |- attoparsec.scala Project Definition, containing module structure, compiler | | | options, cross module dependencies, etc. | | |- Version of SBT, Scala, and scala-attoparsec | | A different version of Scala is used to run SBT and compile | | the Project Definition than is used to compile scala-attoparsec | |-target Compiled Project Definition | | | +-boot Versions of Scala Compiler and Library. | |-src + | |-main + | | |-scala Source files | | | |-test + | |-scala Test source files | |-lib_managed Managed Dependencies for this module, e.g. Scalacheck. | |-target + |- All built artifacts (classes, jars, scaladoc) for module N built for version M of Scala.

  1. ./sbt update (this step is required after a fresh checkout, after changing the version of
    SBT, Scala, or other dependencies)
  2. ./sbt [compile | package | test-compile | test | publish-local | publish]

For continuous compilation:

$ ./sbt

~ compile

For other options, read:

val comonadMaven = " Maven Repository" at "" val attoparsec = "com.comonad" %% "scala-attoparsec" % "0.1"